I work with Angular 7.1.4. I want to generate a new module with the following line;
ng g m order-process
But I encountered an error:
Invalid rule result: Instance of class Promise.
How to fix this? Node: 8.11.3
package.json ( https://prnt.sc/o3cg54 )
I'd solved my problem. My angular/cli version is 7.0.7 but I was find the @schematics/angular@8.0.3 in package-lock.json. So, I run the "npm install @schematics/angular@7.0.7 --save-dev" command and solved my problem. Thank you for interested.
Run npm install @schematics/angular@7.0.7 --save-dev
replace version with the same as your @angular/cli
(in this scenario, 7.0.7)
My problem was that my node version was on 8.x.x
but angular >= 8.x.x
requires a node version >= 10.x.x
Im using nvm to change node version. Install it with like so (check link for windows usage)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
after installation install node version 10.x.x
nvm install 10
then switch in terminal like this
nvm use 10
Had this issue while using Using: @angular/cli 8.1.1, @angular-devkit/schematics 8.0.1, Node v8.9.4, Upgrading to Node 10 fixed it.
Angular CLI: 8.0.3 Node: 10.16.0 OS: darwin x64 Angular: 7.2.7
I also encountered this problem, but it was resolved when I chose to reinstall node!I hope I can help you!
Try to generate a blank new project and check if you get the same error there too when creating a module using the CLI.
If you do, then I'd recommend to re-install angular.
Try to install the CLI version 6.0.8 and then install in a clean project try ng add @angular/pwa@0.6.8
Seems like the error hasn't been solved by the core team so in the meanwhile we have to use a lower version
It is an error in node. It works with carrying out 3 steps 1.- Uninstall and reinstall the (last) version of the node 2.- Inside the project, delete the package-lock.json file (it will be automatically regenerated) and the node_modules folder 3.- run npm install to reload the node_modules
Deleting existing package-lock.json
and node_modules
directory helped me running the ng new
command without error
make sure that your angular cli version and @schematics/angular should be same then only ng add @angular/pwa < project name same as in angular.json file >
will execute and run successfully and the service worker module will be added to the project