Iphone 6 camera calibration for OpenCV

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-03 16:38:29

In my non-OpenCV AR application I am using field of view (FOV) of the iPhone's camera to construct the camera projection matrix. It works alright for displaying the Sun path overlaid on top of the camera view. I don't know how much accuracy you need. It could be that knowing only FOV would not be enough you.

iOS API provides a way to get field of view of the camera. I get it as so:

AVCaptureDevice  * camera = ...
AVCaptureDeviceFormat * format = camera.activeFormat;
float fieldOfView = format.videoFieldOfView;

After getting the FOV I compute the projection matrix:

typedef double mat4f_t[16]; // 4x4 matrix in column major order    

mat4f_t projection;


void createProjectionMatrix(
        mat4f_t mout, 
        float fovy,
        float aspect, 
        float zNear,
        float zFar)
    float f = 1.0f / tanf(fovy/2.0f);

    mout[0] = f / aspect;
    mout[1] = 0.0f;
    mout[2] = 0.0f;
    mout[3] = 0.0f;

    mout[4] = 0.0f;
    mout[5] = f;
    mout[6] = 0.0f;
    mout[7] = 0.0f;

    mout[8] = 0.0f;
    mout[9] = 0.0f;
    mout[10] = (zFar+zNear) / (zNear-zFar);
    mout[11] = -1.0f;

    mout[12] = 0.0f;
    mout[13] = 0.0f;
    mout[14] = 2 * zFar * zNear /  (zNear-zFar);
    mout[15] = 0.0f;