Can my thread help the OS decide when to context switch it out?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-03 11:56:36

It is hard to say what the main problem is in your case, but it is most certainly not something that can be corrected with a call to sched_yield() or pthread_yield(). The only well-defined use for yielding, in Linux, is to allow a different ready thread to preempt the currently CPU-bound running thread at the same priority on the same CPU under SCHED_FIFO scheduling policy. Which is a poor design decision in almost all cases.

If you're serious about your goal of "attempting to be real-time" in Linux, then first of all, you should be using a real-time sched_setscheduler setting (SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR, FIFO preferred). Second, get the full preemption patch for Linux (from if your distro does not supply one. It will also give you the ability to reschedule device driver threads and to execute your thread higher than, say, hard disk or ethernet driver threads. Third, see RTWiki and other resources for more hints on how to design and set up a real-time application.

This should be enough to get you under 10 microseconds response time, regardless of system load on any decent desktop system. I have an embedded system where I only squeeze out 60 us response idle and 150 us under heavy disk/system load, but it's still orders of magnitude faster than what you're describing.

You can tell the current executing thread to pause execution with various commands such as yield.

Just telling the thread to pause is non-determanistic, 999 times it might provide good intervals and 1 time it doesn't.

You'll will probably want to look at real time scheduling for consistant results. This site seems to be a good starting spot for researching about thread scheduling.

use sched_yield

And fur threads there is an pthread_yield

I'm a bit confused by the question. If your program is just waiting on a periodic heartbeat and then doing some work, then the OS should know to schedule other things when you go back to waiting on the heartbeat.

You aren't spinning on a flag to get your "heartbeat" are you?

You are using a timer function such as setitimer(), right? RIGHT???

If not, then you are doing it all wrong.

You may need to specify a timer interval that is just a little shorter than what you really need. If you are using a real-time scheduler priority and a timer, your process will almost always be woken up on time.

I would say always on time, but Linux isn't a perfect real-time OS yet.

I'm not too sure for Linux, but on Windows it's been explained that you can't ask the system to not interrupt you for several reasons (first paragraph mostly). Off my head, one of the reasons is hardware interrupts that can occur at any time and over which you have no control.

EDIT Some guy just suggested the use of sched_yield then deleted his answer. It'll relinquish time for your whole process though. You can also use sched_setscheduler to hint the kernel about what you need.
