SAP 描述文件参数
参数 建议值
abap/use_paging建议值:0(关闭)使用:重新激活旧的 ABAP/4 分页系统获得清单和简单表格类型。
abap/heap_area_total建议值:500000000(500MB)使用:设置 SAP应用程序服务器可以使用的进程局部存储限制。对服务器的使用或交换空间设置限制。
em/initial_size_MB建议值:250(250 MB,每个用户五 MB)使用:SAP 共享内存的大小。
rdisp/ROLL_SHM建议值:4096 使用:滚动缓冲区大小。
rdisp/PG_MAXFS建议值:32768使用:ABAP/4 分页文件的最大规模。
ztta/roll_area:滚动区域 建议值:1000000 (1 million bytes)使用:滚动区域大小。
ztta/roll_area 15000000
ztta/roll_extension 5000000005
abap/heap_area_total 1500000000
abap/heap_area_dia 10000000000
abap/heap_area_nondia 1000000000
em/initial_size_MB 1200
sdb/ntab/entrycount 30000 Max. number of table definitions buffered
The size of the TTAB is nearly 100 bytes * rsdb/ntab/entrycount% q,
Field description buffer FTAB
rsdb/ntab/ftabsize 30000 kB Size of field description buffer
rsdb/ntab/entrycount 30000 Max. number / 2 of table descriptions buffered"
FTAB needs about 700 bytes per used entry
Initial record buffer IRBD
rsdb/ntab/irbdsize 6000 kB Size of initial record buffer9 V2 T' L
rsdb/ntab/entrycount 30000 Max. number / 2 of initial records buffered
IRBD needs about 300 bytes per used entry)
Short nametab (NTAB) SNTAB
rsdb/ntab/sntabsize 3000 kB Size of short nametab, }
rsdb/ntab/entrycount 30000 Max. number / 2 of entries buffered
SNTAB needs about 150 bytes per used entry
CUA buffer.
rsdb/cua/buffersize 5000 kB Size of CUA buffer!
The number of max. buffered CUA objects is always: size
rsdb/ntab/entrycount 40000
rsdb/ntab/ftabsize 60000
rsdb/ntab/sntabsize 6000
rsdb/ntab/irbdsize 12000
abap/buffersize 450000
rsdb/cua/buffersize 12000
zcsa/presentation_buffer_area 25000000
sap/bufdir_entries 8000
zcsa/table_buffer_area 75000000
zcsa/db_max_buftab 10000
rtbb/buffer_length 25000
rtbb/max_tables 2000
rsdb/obj/buffersize 30000
rsdb/obj/max_objects 15000
ipc/shm_psize_10 1560000005
ipc/shm_psize_40 174000000
This is related to BASIS
1.Could you please check the profile parameters as mentioned in the dump infosheet? These are the following:
o ztta/roll_area (1.000.000 - 15.000.000) Classic roll area per user * internal mode usual amount of roll area per user internal mode o ztta/roll_extension (10.000.000 - 500.000.000) Amount of memory per user * extended memory (EM) o abap/heap_area_total (100.000.000 - 1.500.000.000) Amount of memory (malloc) for all users of an application server. If several background processes are running on one server, temporary bottlenecks may occur. Of course, the amount of memory (in bytes) must also be available on the machine (main memory or file system swap). Caution: The operating system must be set up so that there is also enough memory for each process. Usually, the maximum address space is too small. Ask your hardware manufacturer or your competence center about this. In this case, consult your hardware vendor abap/heap_area_dia: (10.000.000 - Restriction of memory allocated to the heap with malloc for each dialog process.
Parameters for background processes: abap/heap_area_nondia: (10.000.000 - Restriction of memory allocated to the heap with malloc for each background process.、
Other memory-relevant parameters are: em/initial_size_MB: (35-1200) Extended memory area from which all users of an application server can satisfy their memory requirement.
This is relevant to configuration:
Please maintain a value for filtering in the customizing (SPRO transaction) in the following path: Transportation Management -> Basic Functions -> General Settings -> Define General Settings for SAP TM -> Max. Rate Table Entries Before Filtering
Currently the value is 0. Once you maintain a value in this field, a pop-up appears that states the potential value for rate combination is high. Kindly click 'Cancel' and you will be able to apply filters and the resultant rate table will be displayed.