R: Crop GeoTiff Raster using packages “rgdal” and “raster”

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-03 03:50:17

Edit (2015-03-10):

If one simply wants to crop out a subset of an existing GeoTIFF and save the cropped part to a new *.tif file, using gdalUtils::gdal_translate() may be the most straightforward solution:

library(raster)    # For extent(), xmin(), ymax(), et al.
library(gdalUtils) # For gdal_translate()

inFile <- "C:/files/krel_1129_2012_254dpi_LZW.tif"
outFile <- "subset.tif"
ex <- extent(c(686040.1, 689715.9, 238156.3, 241774.2))

gdal_translate(inFile, outFile,
               projwin=c(xmin(ex), ymax(ex), xmax(ex), ymin(ex)))

Looks like you need to change two details.

First, the *.tif file you're reading in has three bands, so should be read in using stack(). (Using raster() on it will only read in a single band (the first one, by default) producing a monochromatic or 'greyscale' output).

Second (for reasons mentioned here) writeRaster() will by default write out the values as real numbers (Float64 on my machine). To explicitly tell it you instead want to use bytes, give it the argument datatype='INT1U'.

inFile <- "C:/files/krel_1129_2012_254dpi_LZW.tif"
outFile <- "out.tif"

## Have a look at the format of your input file to:
## (1) Learn that it contains three bands (so should be read in as a RasterStack)
## (2) Contains values written as Bytes (so you should write output with datatype='INT1U')

## Read in as three separate layers (red, green, blue)
s <- stack(inFile)

## Crop the RasterStack to the desired extent
ex  <- raster(xmn=648000, xmx=649000, ymn=224000, ymx=225000)
projection(ex) <- proj4string(s)
s2 <- crop(s, ex)

## Write it out as a GTiff, using Bytes
writeRaster(s2, outFile, format="GTiff", datatype='INT1U', overwrite=TRUE)

All of which outputs the following tiff file:
