Using saveAll()
to save multiple records in CakePHP, I am able to save them successfully in a table. But the problem arises while retrieving the IDs of those saved rows. LastInsertID()
returns only a single last ID here. How can I get all the last inserted IDs which I have inserted using saveAll()
afterSave function is called after each individual save in a saveAll execution, so you could do: In your AppModel
class AppModel extends Model {
var $inserted_ids = array();
function afterSave($created) {
if($created) {
$this->inserted_ids[] = $this->getInsertID();
return true;
You can place this code into any model and it should work fine. Then to return the IDs after the saveAll in your controller, you would do so like this:
if($this->Post->saveAll($posts)) {
$post_ids=$this->Post->inserted_ids; //contains insert_ids
Hope it helps