How do I run git rebase --interactive in non-interactive manner?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-11-26 17:26:36

After some thinking and research, the answer turned out to be trivial: git rebase -i takes the editor name from the well-known EDITOR/VISUAL environment variables, so overriding that to point to a non-interactive script does the job.

However, EDITOR/VISUAL applies indifferently to the list of commits, commit messages when rewording and anything else. So, since;a=commit;h=821881d88d3012a64a52ece9a8c2571ca00c35cd , there's a special environment variable GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR which applies only to the commit list.

So, the recipe to re-order or flatten commits is:

Run: GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=<script> git rebase -i <params>. Your <script> should accept a single argument: the path to the file containing the standard rebase commit list. It should rewrite it in-place and exit. Usual rebase processing happens after that.

Adding on to @pfalcon's answer, you can use sed as your GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR. For example, I wanted to edit each commit, so I did this:

GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -re 's/^pick /e /'" git rebase -i

Expanding on pfalcon's answer:

Run GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=<script> git rebase -i <params>. <script> should accept single argument - path to file containing standard rebase commit list. The script should rewrite it in-place and exit. Usual rebase processing happens after that.

If you have an environment variable that contains the contents you want:

GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='echo "$REBASE_DATA" >' git rebase -i [<additional params>]

Catting a file would work too:

GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='cat rebase_data_file >' git rebase -i [<additional params>]

You can use touch as the editor which will touch the file so it will appear modified. For example

GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=touch git rebase -i [commit]

To alias it, given baseline as a tag I want to rebase against

git config alias.baseline '!GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=touch git rebase -i baseline'

The alias works under Windows because the shell it is executing is bash not cmd.

I use this script (in add it allows to simplify commit splitting):


COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short $2)
[[ "$COMMIT" ]] || exit 1
for A in p pick r reword e edit s squash f fixup x exec d delete t split; do
     [[ $ACTION == $A ]] && CORRECT=1
[[ "$CORRECT" ]] || exit 1
if [[ $ACTION == "delete" || $ACTION == "d" ]]; then
    GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e '/^pick $COMMIT/d'" git rebase -i $COMMIT^^
elif [[ $ACTION == "split" || $ACTION == "t" ]]; then
    GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/^pick $COMMIT/edit $COMMIT/'" git rebase -i $COMMIT^^ || exit 1
    git reset --soft HEAD^
    echo "Hints:"
    echo "  Select files to be commited using 'git reset', 'git add' or 'git add -p'"
    echo "  Commit using 'git commit -c $COMMIT'"
    echo "  Finish with 'git rebase --continue'"
    GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/^pick $COMMIT/$1 $COMMIT/'" git rebase -i $COMMIT^^

Add an alias to your .gitconfig:

  autorebase = ! path_to_your_script

interactive modes brings up the set editor to work with.
the editor in use can be retrieved with:

git config --get core.editor

So, if you set a non-interactive editor - that is an editor that accepts commands on stdin, you can work with --interactive in a non-interactive way :)
I know for sure vim accepts commands, and so does the standard editor ed, ofcourse.

so, hold the interactive editor (if wanted)

$ ied="$(git config --get core.editor)"

set the non-interactive editor

$ git config --unset-all core.editor
$ git config --add core.editor ed

and do work with it..

$ printf '%s\n' "some-ed-cmd" "another-ed-cmd" "wq" | git rebase -i HEAD~5

and restore the editor (if wanted)

$ git config --unset-all core.editor
$ git config --add core.editor "$ied"

As others have mentioned, you need to provide a custom GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR value that will modify the interactive rebase file. If you just want to perform an action on a single commit, you can do it as follows:

# Runs "edit" on HEAD~3
GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -ze 's/^pick/edit/'" git rebase -i HEAD~3

Alternatively, here's a function to generalize this:

# Usage: git-rebase-custom edit HEAD~3
git-rebase-custom() {
    local action=$1

    GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -ze 's/^pick/$action/'" git rebase -i "$@"

I found the solution. You can use:

$ GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=true git rebase -i --autosquash $COMMIT_HASH~1
John Gliksberg

Based on Jezz's answer, I made a shell-agnostic script (GitReb) which works with multiple-argument revisions, :/<text> syntax, root commit and also does some sanity checks.

I also made it simpler and removed the t/split action and delete->drop conversion which IMO are out of this script's scope.
