Send auth_token for authentication to ActionCable

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-02 22:53:38
Pierre Fraisse

I managed to send my authentication token as a query parameter.

When creating my consumer in my javascript app, I'm passing the token in the cable server URL like this:


In my cable connection, I can get this token by accessing the request.params:

module ApplicationCable
  class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base
    identified_by :current_user

    def connect
      self.current_user = find_verified_user
      logger.add_tags 'ActionCable',

    def find_verified_user
      if current_user = User.find_by(token: request.params[:token])

It's clearly not ideal, but I don't think you can send custom headers when creating the websocket.

Yuval Karmi

Pierre's answer works. However, it's a good idea to be explicit about expecting these parameters in your application.

For instance, in one of your config files (e.g. application.rb, development.rb, etc...) you can do this:

config.action_cable.mount_path = '/cable/:token'

And then simply access it from your Connection class with:

Saravanabalagi Ramachandran

Unfortunately for websocket connections, additional headers and custom ones are not supported1 by most2 websocket clients and servers. So the possible options are:

  • Attach as an URL parameter and parse it on the server
    # and parse it like

Cons: It could be vulnerable as it may end up in logs and system process information available to others that have access to the server, more here

Solution: Encrypt the token and attach it, so even if it can be seen in the logs, it would serve no purpose until its decrypted.

  • Attach JWT in one of the allowed parameters.

Client side:

# Append jwt to protocols
new WebSocket(url, existing_protocols.concat(jwt))

I created a JS library action-cable-react-jwt for React and React-Nativethat just does this. Feel free to use it.

Server side:

# get the user by 
# self.current_user = find_verified_user

def find_verified_user
    header_array = self.request.headers[:HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL].split(',')
    token = header_array[header_array.length-1]
    decoded_token = JWT.decode token, Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base, true, { :algorithm => 'HS256' }
    if (current_user = User.find((decoded_token[0])['sub']))

1 Most Websocket APIs (including Mozilla's) are just like the one below:

The WebSocket constructor accepts one required and one optional parameter:

WebSocket WebSocket(
  in DOMString url,
  in optional DOMString protocols

WebSocket WebSocket(
  in DOMString url,
  in optional DOMString[] protocols


The URL to which to connect; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond.

protocols Optional

Either a single protocol string or an array of protocol strings. These strings are used to indicate sub-protocols, so that a single server can implement multiple WebSocket sub-protocols (for example, you might want one server to be able to handle different types of interactions depending on the specified protocol). If you don't specify a protocol string, an empty string is assumed.

2 There are always excpetions, for instance, this node.js lib ws allows building custom headers, so you can use the usual Authorization: Bearer token header, and parse it on the server but both client and server should use ws.

As I already stated in a comment the accepted answer is not a good idea, simply because the convention is that the URL should not contain such sensitive data. You can find more information here: (though this is specifically about OAuth).

There is however another approach: Use HTTP basic auth via the ws url. I found that most websocket clients allow you to implicitly set the headers by prepending the url with http basic auth like this: wss://

This will add the Authorization header with a value of Basic .... In my case I was using devise with devise-jwt and simply implemented a strategy which inherited from the one provided in the gem which pulls the jwt out of the Authorization header. So I set the url like this: wss:// which sets the header to this (pseudo): Basic base64("token:") and parse that in the strategy.

In case any of you would like to use ActionCable.createCustomer. But have renewable token as I do:

const consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer("/cable")
const consumer_url = consumer.url
      get: function() { 
        const token = localStorage.getItem('auth-token')
        const email = localStorage.getItem('auth-email')
        return consumer_url+"?email="+email+"&token="+token
return consumer; 

Then in case that the connection is lost it will be opened with a fresh new token.

to add to previous answers, if you used your JWT as a param, you're going to have to at least btoa(your_token) @js and Base64.decode64(request.params[:token]) @rails as rails considers dot '.' a separator so your token will be cut off @rails params side

As for security of Pierre's answer: If you're using WSS protocol, which uses SSL for encryption, then the principles for sending secure data should the same as for HTTPS. When using SSL, query string parameters are encrypted as well as the body of the request. So if in HTTP APIs you're sending any kind of token through HTTPS and deem it secure, then it should be the same for WSS. Just remember that the same as for HTTPS, don't send credentials like password through query parameters, as the URL of the request could be logged on a server and thus stored with your password. Instead use things like tokens that are issued by the server.

Also you can check this out (this basically describes something like JWT authentication + IP address verification):

Another way (the way I did it in the end instead of my other answer) would be to have a authenticate action on your channel. I used this to determine the current user and set it in the connection/channel. All the stuff is send over websockets so credentials are not an issue here when we have it encrypted (i.e. wss).

It is also possible to pass the authentication token in the request headers and then validate the connection by accessing the request.headers hash. For example, if the authentication token were specified in a header called 'X-Auth-Token' and your User model have a field auth_token you could do:

module ApplicationCable
  class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base
    identified_by :current_user

    def connect
      self.current_user = find_verified_user
      logger.add_tags 'ActionCable',


    def find_verified_user
      if current_user = User.find_by(auth_token: request.headers['X-Auth-Token'])