Are there any tutorials on building a simple interpreter using Alex + Happy?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-02 18:30:51

Not on building interpreters, but on building lexers and parsers, yes. See the example for a lexical analyzer in Alex, here, combined with an intro to Happy here. I found the haskell.x and haskell.y files distributed in the darcs repos for Alex and Happy useful. You can find those here and here.

I wrote a series of posts at on using Alex+Happy+LLVM to write a compiler for a simple Java like language.

The source-code is on GitHub at (I haven't touched it in a couple years).

Haddock has an Alex/Happy parser for documentation, the sources are here in the files Lex.x and Parse.y.

I wrote a post about solving a problem that you described: (in Russian). Source code is here:
