Specifying app_id and app_name for facebookConnect in a multi-device hybrid app in VS2013 & W8.1

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-02 12:42:03

I'd recommend going with method 1 since it provides greater flexibility to configure your plugin. That being said, what you are running into is a common issue with the FacebookConnect plugin when it is added manually instead of using the cordova CLI. To add the app ID and app name, do the following as documented here.

In plugin.xml, find the below lines <preference name="APP_ID"> <preference name="APP_NAME"> and modify them to <param name="APP_ID" value="<id of your app>" /> <param name="APP_NAME" value="<name of your app>" />

This will get you past the error.

However, the plugin is written in Java and the references are not precompiled. So, you will run into issues like com.facebook.blah not found. To get past these additional compilation issues, follow the instructions here, which let you build the plugin dependencies without eclipse.

To use the CLI to install the plugin, you need to run the commands from <projectRoot>\bld\debug\platform\<yourplatform> where the cordova projects are created.

Lukas Gmür

What you probably miss is the renaming of the element from preference to param

in plugin.xml change preference to param for app name and app id an also enter their value.

<preference name="APP_NAME"> 
<param name="APP_NAME" value="<name of your app>" />