I am tasked with a feature to send e-mail reminders to employees in my company if they haven't completed an attestation form via an intranet Web application.
I was thinking of writing a stored procedure that gets called in a nightly database job (SQL Server 2008 R2). The proc would select employee e-mail address values and loop through them via cursor, so that for each e-mail found an e-mail is sent using msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail.
The concern I have is that this is for a large company and tens of thousands of e-mail could go out nightly. Is there a way to mitigate performance concerns when sending out such a volume of e-mail? Or at the tens of thousands of level it shouldn't be a concern?
I reckon Inside your procedure you could create a Temp table/Table Variable and populate it with the emails you want to send email to.
Once you have all the emails in a table then you could concatenate the email addresses with ;
and store it to a variable and pass that variable as a parameter to @recipients parameter of msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail proc.
Something like this...
Say you have populated a table variable called Emails inside your procedure
('aaa@aaa.com'),('bbb@aaa.com'),('ccc@aaa.com') --<-- Three emails you want to send email
Concatenation of emails
DECLARE @Email_List NVARCHAR(MAX); --<-- Variable to store emails List
SELECT @Email_List = STUFF((SELECT ';' + Email [text()]
FROM @Emails
.value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1, '')
FROM @Emails e
-- Test SELECT @Email_List
-- RESULT: aaa@aaa.com;bbb@aaa.com;ccc@aaa.com
Now pass this variable to @recipients parameter
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'ProfileName'
, @recipients = @Email_List
, @subject = 'Some_Subject'