I have a function which loops over a query and updates a database row for each item. After about 7000 iterations it's throwing an out of memory error - Java heap space. Is there anything obviously wrong with this code ?
<cfloop query=loc.fixItems>
<cfset loc.count = loc.count + 1>
<cfset var categoryName = loc.fixItems.categoryName>
<cfinvoke component="Item" method="updateCode"
itemId="#loc.fixItems.itemId#" code="#loc.fixItems.newCode#"/>
<!--- Increment counter for category --->
<cfif structKeyExists(categoryMap, categoryName)>
<cfset var inc = structFind(categoryMap, categoryName) + 1>
<cfset structUpdate(categoryMap, categoryName, inc)>
<cfset structInsert(categoryMap, categoryName, 1)>
and in the update component:
<cffunction name="updateCode">
<cfargument name="itemId" type="numeric" required="yes">
<cfargument name="code" type="string" required="yes">
<cfset var loc = {}>
<cfquery name="loc.update">
update items
set code = <cfqueryparam value="#code#">
where id = <cfqueryparam value="#itemId#">
Don't use cfinvoke to create your Item component every iteration of your fixItems query. Create it once before that using createObject and simply call the updateCode method each time directly on the object.
The following can be done:
Change your
to use the appropriatecf_sql
type. Arecode
really strings?Don't give your
a name. You are not keeping the result anyway.var loc
doesn't help eitherBump up you memory to the JVM Addtional approach Use Java 7 and G1GC
Every 100 to 1000 iterations do a forced Garbage Collect
Update your data in bulk. XML based table variables can do this.
Make your function silent
Consider ORM on this