Difference between verification and authentication?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-02 06:36:28

Initialize update and ext auth commands are to establish secure channel between off card and on card entity. While 00 20 .... apdu is for verify card manager pin. So all cards which are GP compliance will support both. There is card manager which is the owner of card so to authenticate urself or say to reach card manager u can use initialize update and ext auth. OR u can select card manager and use 00 20... command to verify urself to card manager.

According to : ISO 7816-4: Interindustry Commands for Interchange for smart card.

The VERIFY command initiates the comparison in the card of the verification data sent from the interface device with the reference data stored in the card (e.g. password).

The AUTHENTICATE command initiates the computation of the authentication data by the card using the challenge data sent from the interface device and a relevant secret (e.g. a key) stored in the card.
