Prism 6.1 ViewModelLocator doesn't instantiate my ViewModel

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-02 04:50:47

First, make sure that the views reside in a Views namespace, and the viewmodels in ViewModels, respectively.

Second, the easiest way of debugging this type of things is copying some code from the prism sources and put this in MyBootstrapper.ConfigureContainer:

ViewModelLocationProvider.SetDefaultViewTypeToViewModelTypeResolver( x =>
                                                                         var viewName = x.FullName;
                                                                         viewName = viewName.Replace( ".Views.", ".ViewModels." );
                                                                         var viewAssemblyName = x.GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FullName;
                                                                         var suffix = viewName.EndsWith( "View" ) ? "Model" : "ViewModel";
                                                                         var viewModelName = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}, {2}", viewName, suffix, viewAssemblyName );
                                                                         return Type.GetType( viewModelName );
                                                                     } );
ViewModelLocationProvider.SetDefaultViewModelFactory( type => Container.Resolve( type ) );

...and put breakpoints there to see exactly what's the problem. Alternatively, dig into your XamlParseException's InnerExceptions... at about the third level you should find the real problem. But I find my breakpoint-approach more convenient.
