R: Grouped rolling window linear regression with rollapply and ddply

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-02 04:40:06

1) rollapply works on data frames too so it is not necessary to convert df to zoo.

2) lm uses na.action, not na.rm, and its default is na.omit so we can just drop this argument.

3) rollapplyr is a more concise way to write rollapply(..., align = "right").

Assuming that rolled otherwise does what you want and incorporating these changes into rolled, the ddply statement in the question should work or we could use by from the base of R which we show below:

rolled <- function(df) {
    rollapplyr(df, width = 6, function(m) { 
          coef(lm(formula = y ~ x, data = as.data.frame(m)))[2]
       }, by = 3, by.column = FALSE
do.call("rbind", by(dat, dat[c("w", "z")], rolled))