Solve Systems of Linear Equations in MATLAB

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-02 03:27:43

You have 4 equations and 4 unknowns. This is very easily solved in MATLAB using the equation AT = b, where T = A\b.

First move all the constant values over to the RHS. Then, reorder the equations to the form below (but don't write a11 = -3.615 etc in MATLAB, it's just to visualize it so that it's easier to create the A matrix below). If you have more equations and unknowns it might be easiest to do this with pen and paper before you create the matrix in MATLAB, as it's easy to get a sign wrong, or overlook a value somewhere.

a11*T1 + a12*T2 + a13*T3 + a14*T4 
a21*T1 + a22*T2 + a23*T3 + a24*T4
... and so on. 

Create a matrix A with the values a11, a12 ... all the way to a44. Now you can find the T's by using \ like this:

A = [-3.615  1       1    0;
     1      -5.752   0    2;
     1       0      -4    2;
     0       1       1   -4];
b = [0; -10; -38; -83];
T = A\b

T =  