In our GAE application, we occasionally see TombstonedTaskError errors in deferred tasks due to named tasks being submitted multiple times with identical names. These tasks seem to be occasionally resubmitted automatically by GAE despite the first execution of the deferred task succeeding.
An example can be seen in this log screenshot: the task "refresh_stock_status-1451012400-GNeg-completion-poll-2" was submitted on the morning of Dec 25th, and completed 12-25 07:35:05. The task was then, for some reason, retried automatically by GAE ("X-Appengine-Taskretrycount:1") at 07:35:18, with the specified reason being "X-Appengine-Taskretryreason:Instance Unavailable". Clearly, an instance (with id ending with "...2976") had been available, and the task had already completed. Why was it retried like this? What can be done to prevent it? While rare, these errors are still misleading and checking them takes time during monitoring of our application.
The only similar situation I've found described online is at!topic/google-appengine/0JWCp3OGnMI . No solution was offered beyond fiddling with the instance scaling configuration (which might reduce the error incidence) though, which in our case would have too many side effects.
After being in touch with Google support, it's emerged that the reason is that very rarely, deferred tasks can be executed multiple times by GAE. This means that tasks have to be implemented such that they can safely be executed multiple times without any errors, which was not the case for us (since we assumed that tasks would only be executed once).