How do I skew an image? For example, each corner has a CGPoint with coords - p1, p2, p3, p4. Then, I need to set - p4.x+=50, p4.y+=30. So this corner (p4) should be stretched in a 2D perspective and the image should be distorted.
I tried to use CATransform3D, but it seems that this cannot be done in such way, since it's only a change the perspective of view (rotate, bring closer/farther one side). Maybe CGAffineTransform can be useful?
If you know the answer, please write a sample code.
Thanks in advance
Not possible with CGAffineTransform. An affine transform can always be decomposed into translations, rotations, shearing and scaling. They all map parallelograms into parallelograms, which your transform does not.
For your transform, it can be done in two steps. One to convert the square into a trapezoid.
p1-----p2 p1-----p2
| | --> | \
p3-----p4 p3--------p4'
Another to the vertical direction. A naive transformation rule is
y - c
x' = (x - p1.x) * ———————— + p1.x
p1.y - c
y' = y
where c is the y-coordinate of the intersection point of the lines joining p1 and p3, and p2 and p4.
Now notice the x*y factor in the transformation. This indicates such a transform is not linear. Therefore, CATransform3D cannot perform this as a 2D transform either.
However, the vector
[x, y, z, w=1]
will be converted to the actual 3D vector
(x/w, y/w, z/w)
before projection if CA follows usual 3D compute graphics rules, so you could "cheat" by using the transform
[ P . . Q ] [ x ] [ x' ]
[ . R . S ] [ y ] = [ y' ]
[ . . 1 . ] [ z ] [ z' ]
[ . T . U ] [ 1 ] [ w' ]
with appropriate P, Q, R, S, T, U that maps the 4 points to the expected locations. (6 unique coordinates and 6 variables should have exactly 1 solution most of the cases.)
When you have found these 6 constants, you can craft a CATransform3D. Notice the structure definition is
struct CATransform3D
CGFloat m11, m12, m13, m14;
CGFloat m21, m22, m23, m24;
CGFloat m31, m32, m33, m34;
CGFloat m41, m42, m43, m44;
typedef struct CATransform3D CATransform3D;
So you can directly change the matrix elements, instead of relying on the CATransform3DMake functions. (You may need to perform a transpose due to convention of using row or column vectors.)
To obtain the transform to convert a rectangle ((X, Y), (W, H)) to any quadrilateral ((x1a, y1a), (x2a, y2a); (x3a, y3a), (x4a, y4a)), use this function (you may need a transpose):
function compute_transform_matrix(X, Y, W, H, x1a, y1a, x2a, y2a, x3a, y3a, x4a, y4a) {
var y21 = y2a - y1a,
y32 = y3a - y2a,
y43 = y4a - y3a,
y14 = y1a - y4a,
y31 = y3a - y1a,
y42 = y4a - y2a;
var a = -H*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x2a*x4a*y31 - x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x3a*y42);
var b = W*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x3a*x4a*y21 + x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x2a*y43);
var c = H*X*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x2a*x4a*y31 - x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x3a*y42) - H*W*x1a*(x4a*y32 - x3a*y42 + x2a*y43) - W*Y*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x3a*x4a*y21 + x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x2a*y43);
var d = H*(-x4a*y21*y3a + x2a*y1a*y43 - x1a*y2a*y43 - x3a*y1a*y4a + x3a*y2a*y4a);
var e = W*(x4a*y2a*y31 - x3a*y1a*y42 - x2a*y31*y4a + x1a*y3a*y42);
var f = -(W*(x4a*(Y*y2a*y31 + H*y1a*y32) - x3a*(H + Y)*y1a*y42 + H*x2a*y1a*y43 + x2a*Y*(y1a - y3a)*y4a + x1a*Y*y3a*(-y2a + y4a)) - H*X*(x4a*y21*y3a - x2a*y1a*y43 + x3a*(y1a - y2a)*y4a + x1a*y2a*(-y3a + y4a)));
var g = H*(x3a*y21 - x4a*y21 + (-x1a + x2a)*y43);
var h = W*(-x2a*y31 + x4a*y31 + (x1a - x3a)*y42);
var i = W*Y*(x2a*y31 - x4a*y31 - x1a*y42 + x3a*y42) + H*(X*(-(x3a*y21) + x4a*y21 + x1a*y43 - x2a*y43) + W*(-(x3a*y2a) + x4a*y2a + x2a*y3a - x4a*y3a - x2a*y4a + x3a*y4a));
return [[a,b,0,c],[d,e,0,f],[0,0,1,0],[g,h,0,i]];
3D transform on UIImage / CGImageRef
You should be able to calculate the mapping of each pixel yourself.. Not perfect, but it does the trick...
It is available on this repository
The interesting files is
3D transform on UIView / UIImageView
Then you will have full control over each point in the quadrilateral. :)
struct CATransform3D
CGFloat m11, m12, m13, m14;
CGFloat m21, m22, m23, m24;
CGFloat m31, m32, m33, m34;
CGFloat m41, m42, m43, m44;
You have to adjust m24
and m14
to get such a shape.
I tried the wonderful answer @KennyTM in Swift, and got an error "Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time".
So here is a simplified version for Swift:
let y21 = y2a - y1a
let y32 = y3a - y2a
let y43 = y4a - y3a
let y14 = y1a - y4a
let y31 = y3a - y1a
let y42 = y4a - y2a
let a = -H*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x2a*x4a*y31 - x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x3a*y42)
let b = W*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x3a*x4a*y21 + x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x2a*y43)
let c0 = -H*W*x1a*(x4a*y32 - x3a*y42 + x2a*y43)
let cx = H*X*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x2a*x4a*y31 - x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x3a*y42)
let cy = -W*Y*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x3a*x4a*y21 + x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x2a*y43)
let c = c0 + cx + cy
let d = H*(-x4a*y21*y3a + x2a*y1a*y43 - x1a*y2a*y43 - x3a*y1a*y4a + x3a*y2a*y4a)
let e = W*(x4a*y2a*y31 - x3a*y1a*y42 - x2a*y31*y4a + x1a*y3a*y42)
let f0 = -W*H*(x4a*y1a*y32 - x3a*y1a*y42 + x2a*y1a*y43)
let fx = H*X*(x4a*y21*y3a - x2a*y1a*y43 - x3a*y21*y4a + x1a*y2a*y43)
let fy = -W*Y*(x4a*y2a*y31 - x3a*y1a*y42 - x2a*y31*y4a + x1a*y3a*y42)
let f = f0 + fx + fy;
let g = H*(x3a*y21 - x4a*y21 + (-x1a + x2a)*y43)
let h = W*(-x2a*y31 + x4a*y31 + (x1a - x3a)*y42)
let i0 = H*W*(x3a*y42 - x4a*y32 - x2a*y43)
let ix = H*X*(x4a*y21 - x3a*y21 + x1a*y43 - x2a*y43)
let iy = W*Y*(x2a*y31 - x4a*y31 - x1a*y42 + x3a*y42)
var i = i0 + ix + iy
let epsilon = CGFloat(0.0001);
if fabs(i) < epsilon {
i = epsilon * (i > 0 ? 1 : -1);
return CATransform3D(m11: a/i, m12: d/i, m13: 0, m14: g/i, m21: b/i, m22: e/i, m23: 0, m24: h/i, m31: 0, m32: 0, m33: 1, m34: 0, m41: c/i, m42: f/i, m43: 0, m44: 1.0)