
How to transform the image pattern in JavaScript canvas fillingStyle?

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-11 02:32:18
问题 I'm currently developing a 2D graphic library in JavaScript, and now I'm sticking with the background texture transforming problems. I want to set the background texture (property fillStyle ) of a canvas context ( CanvasRenderingContext2D ) to an image ( CanvasPattern ). It's easy to assign an image to the fillStyle . But the only problem is that, the image can't actually be translated, scaled nor skewed. I've looked up MDN, it says there's a prototype called setTransform() . With this API

How to transform the image pattern in JavaScript canvas fillingStyle?

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-11 02:30:32
问题 I'm currently developing a 2D graphic library in JavaScript, and now I'm sticking with the background texture transforming problems. I want to set the background texture (property fillStyle ) of a canvas context ( CanvasRenderingContext2D ) to an image ( CanvasPattern ). It's easy to assign an image to the fillStyle . But the only problem is that, the image can't actually be translated, scaled nor skewed. I've looked up MDN, it says there's a prototype called setTransform() . With this API

How to transform the image pattern in JavaScript canvas fillingStyle?

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-11 02:28:46
问题 I'm currently developing a 2D graphic library in JavaScript, and now I'm sticking with the background texture transforming problems. I want to set the background texture (property fillStyle ) of a canvas context ( CanvasRenderingContext2D ) to an image ( CanvasPattern ). It's easy to assign an image to the fillStyle . But the only problem is that, the image can't actually be translated, scaled nor skewed. I've looked up MDN, it says there's a prototype called setTransform() . With this API

How to transform the image pattern in JavaScript canvas fillingStyle?

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-11 02:27:18
问题 I'm currently developing a 2D graphic library in JavaScript, and now I'm sticking with the background texture transforming problems. I want to set the background texture (property fillStyle ) of a canvas context ( CanvasRenderingContext2D ) to an image ( CanvasPattern ). It's easy to assign an image to the fillStyle . But the only problem is that, the image can't actually be translated, scaled nor skewed. I've looked up MDN, it says there's a prototype called setTransform() . With this API

How to apply phase correlation in 1D signal?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-02-10 23:27:33
问题 Log polar transform is commonly used in image with phase correlation using Fourier transform for estimating rotation and translation etc. However, I am little confusing how to apply it in audio signal. I am trying to estimate time shift between two audio signal through log polar transform (LPT) and phase correlation. I applied LPT using in audio signal and plotter using matlab with polar(theta,rho), until here, there is no problem, problem

MouseMove performance slow using GetPosition

孤人 提交于 2021-02-10 18:11:03
问题 I have a Canvas control with various elements on, in this particular function I am allowing a user to drag the end point of a line around the canvas. In the MouseMove function I call e.GetPosition() . The function is, according to the VS performance analyzer, close to 30% of total CPU for the app when constantly moving around. Its pretty slow. What can I do to increase this performance? CurrentPoint = e.GetPosition(PointsCanvas); 回答1: I've faced the same problem while using MouseMove on

XSLT loop over a set of files in the directory?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:38:44
问题 I have a situation where I have a directory full of xsd files that need conversion done to them generate a output file for each of them. I have my stylesheet operating on a single document fine, but I'd like to extend that. Well, for now I haven't using a xslt editor, saxon has installed. here is xslt file: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xsd="" > <xsl:output method="text"/> <!--* Ignore anything that looks

Behaviour of affine transform on 3D image with non-uniform resolution with Scipy

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-08 08:43:18
问题 I'm looking to apply an affine transformation, defined in homogeneous coordinates on images of different resolutions, but I encounter an issue when one ax is of different resolution of the others. Normally, as only the translation part of the affine is dependent of the resolution, I normalize the translation part by the resolution and apply the corresponding affine on the image, using scipy.ndimage.affine_transform. If the resolution of the image is the same for all axes, it works perfectly,

How to transform a dataframes row into columns in R?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-08 06:43:30
问题 I have a data frame which I need to transform. I need to change the rows into unique columns based on the value of a column. ex: The Input DataFrame | column_1 | column_2 | ----------------------- | A | B | | A | C | | B | E | | B | C | | C | F | | C | G | The Output DataFrame | column_1 | column_2 | column_3 | ---------------------------------- | A | B | C | | B | E | C | | C | F | G | The final DataFrame should have all the unique values in column_1 and the values from column_2 from input

Scaling results in gaps between CSS shapes

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-07 16:13:45
问题 I have a series of CSS hexagons. I would like to apply CSS scale transform for different viewport widths, though gaps are appearing within my hexagon shapes. This problem is most evident on Firefox at any scale value. It also appears in Chrome if scaled to non-integer values. Firefox additionally shows baffling horizontal lines in the :before and :after pseudo elements, though these lines are in the centre of a border and not at the edge of any shape. Snippets A simplified version of my