
VSCode not recognizing includes from includepath

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-07 08:36:32
问题 I am having an issue where VSCode will recognize my include of zipper.h and then out of nowhere flip on me and tell me that there is no such file or directory. I am not sure if this is an issue with my code or includes or vs code. I have tried adding it both to my include path and windows environment path. it keeps failing for the same reason. I am very confused on what I'm doing

How to create Clojure Zipper

孤街醉人 提交于 2020-01-15 03:56:20
问题 How could I create the following graph using Clojure Zipper ( vector-zip ): A / | \ B C D / \ E F I have tried (vector-zip ["A" ["B" "C" "D"["E" "F"]] ]) It returns [["A" ["B" "C" "D" ["E" "F"]]] nil] Is it right? 回答1: Yes it's right. Some tests of your code: (require '[ :as zip]) (def zv (zip/vector-zip ["A" ["B" "C" "D"["E" "F"]]])) (-> zv zip/next) ; => ["A" {:l [], :pnodes [["A" ["B" "C" "D" ["E" "F"]]]], :ppath nil, :r (["B" "C" "D" ["E" "F"]])}] (-> zv zip/next zip/node) ; =>

Apply function to one element only in list or array in Scala

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-12 10:09:07
问题 For any given list or array, for instance val list = (1 to 3).toList val array = (1 to 3).toArray and a given function that maps from and onto the collection type, for instance def f(v: Int): Int = v + 10 how to apply f to the ith element of list or array so that list.myApply(f, ith = 2) res: List(1,12,3) and also array.myApply(f, ith = 2) res: Array(1,12,3) 回答1: tl;dr import scala.collection.SeqLike import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom implicit class Seq_[A, Repr, S : ({type L[X] = X

How to obtain paths to all the child nodes in a tree that only have leaves using clojure zippers?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-24 07:11:19
问题 Say I have a tree like this. I would like to obtain the paths to child nodes that only contain leaves and not non-leaf child nodes. So for this tree root ├──leaf123 ├──level_a_node1 │ ├──leaf456 ├──level_a_node2 │ ├──level_b_node1 │ │ └──leaf987 │ └──level_b_node2 │ └──level_c_node1 | └── leaf654 ├──leaf789 └──level_a_node3 └──leaf432 The result would be [["root" "level_a_node1"] ["root" "level_a_node2" "level_b_node1"] ["root" "level_a_node2" "level_b_node2" "level_c_node1"] ["root" "level_a

How to move an element within a structure, possibly with zippers?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-24 03:59:05
问题 I have this structure: [{"a" {"b" 1 "c" 2} "children" [{"a" {"b" 3 "c" 4} "children" []}]} {"a" {"b" 5 "c" 6} "children" []} {"a" {"b" 7 "c" 8} "children" [{"a" {"b" 9 "c" 10} "children" []} {"a" {"b" 10 "c" 10} "children" []}]}] I'm trying to write an algorithm to move and element within a vector. For example in the last element, it has children vector with: "children" [{"a" {"b" 9 "c" 10} "children" []} {"a" {"b" 10 "c" 10} "children" []}] My function is supposed to search for a specific

Clojure Zipper to EDN

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-24 03:10:21
问题 I have created the following graph using Clojure Zipper A / | \ B C D / \ E F using the following code: (require '[ :as z]) (def g (z/vector-zip ["A" ["B" "C" "D"["E" "F"]]])) Now I want to create a Visualization in d3, So that I want to represent the graph in EDN format like, [{:from "A" :to "B"} {:from "A" :to "C"} {:from "A" :to "D"} {:from "D" :to "E"} {:from "D" :to "F"}] I've tried this (loop [t g] (if-not (z/end? t) (do (if-not (z/branch? t) (println {:from (-> t (get 1)

Zipping zippers in Anti-XML

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-22 10:15:42
问题 In this question, the asker wants to transform documents like this: <text> The capitals of Bolivia are <blank/> and <blank/>. </text> Into this: <text> The capitals of Bolivia are <input name="blank.1"> and <input name="blank.2">. </text> As I noted in my answer there, Anti-XML's zippers provide a clean solution to this problem. The following, for example, would work for renaming the blank elements: import com.codecommit.antixml._ val q = <text>The capitals of Bolivia are <blank/> and <blank/

How to make a binary tree zipper an instance of Comonad?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-20 08:42:45
问题 I want to make a binary tree zipper an instance of comonad, but I can't figure out how to implement duplicate properly. Here is my attempt: {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} import Data.Function import Control.Arrow import Control.Comonad data BinTree a = Leaf a | Branch a (BinTree a) (BinTree a) deriving (Functor, Show, Eq) data Dir = L | R deriving (Show, Eq) -- an incomplete binary tree, aka data context data Partial a = Missing Dir (BinTree a) a deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) -- BTZ for

Printing a tree lazily in Newick format

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-19 04:14:32
问题 I wish to print a binary tree in Newick format, showing each node's distance to its parent. At the moment I haven't had an issue with the following code, which uses regular recursion, but a tree too deep may produce a stack overflow. (defn tree->newick [tree] (let [{:keys [id children to-parent]} tree dist (double to-parent)] ; to-parent may be a rational (if children (str "(" (tree->newick (first children)) "," (tree->newick (second children)) "):" dist) (str (name id) ":" dist)))) (def

Recreate a flattened tree

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-13 15:41:06
问题 I have a vector of maps, that I'd like to transform in a nested fashion. The data is structured as follows: (def data [{:id 1 :name "a" :parent 0} {:id 2 :name "b" :parent 0} {:id 3 :name "c" :parent 0} {:id 4 :name "a_1" :parent 1} {:id 5 :name "a_2" :parent 1} {:id 6 :name "b_1" :parent 2} {:id 7 :name "a_1_1" :parent 4}]) Each map has an :id , some other keys and values not important for this discussion, and :parent key, denoting if the elements belong to another element. If :parent is 0,