
SignedXml checksignature returns false

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-03 12:15:11
I've looked at other posts on here regarding this issue and none of them seem to address my situation. I've been trying to verify a SAML assertion for the last week and I have 2 clients that have sent me SAML but I cannot verify it. The main process is we get a base64 encoded assertion and I decode it. Load it into an XmlDocment with PreserveWhitespace = true. The verify method is public static bool Verify(X509Certificate2 cert, XmlElement xmlElement, SignedXml signedXml) { bool flag; try { KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo(); var clause = new KeyInfoX509Data(cert); keyInfo.AddClause(clause);

XSLT transform in xmlsignature form, a part of xmldocument?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-03 09:15:58
I have a HTML page(A Form) where user will enter his details. Details to enter are Name age salary state City Now when user enters all details and click Button then I will create xml file containing the user details like <root> <name>abc</name> <age>40</age> <salary>20000</age> <state>xyz</state> <city>abc</city> </root> After this I want to sign this xml file using XMLSignature . I want to sign only two elements of document i.e name and salary element using XSLT transform and some digest and signature method. My question is how to use the XSLT transform in our xmlsignature's transform element

How to verify a SAML signature for HTTP-redirect binding

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-03 08:22:33
I'm receiving a SAML request via HTTP-redirect binding the content of the SAML request look like this {"SigAlg"=>" http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1 ", "SAMLRequest"=>"lVLLaoQwFP0VyT5jEqPG4AiFoSDMtNApXXQzxDxaQRObRDqfX3XoolAKXd7DPQ/uuXUQ4zDxo3tzc3zSH7MOMWkPe3DpcixzVVVQl4RBqoiCncEYEmkoY7k00hCQvGgfemf3gOwQSNoQZt3aEIWNC4RwCRGGiD6jkmPMs2KHUPYKksPi0lsRN+Z7jFPgafqpvejtbtQpSK7jYAPfsu3B7C13IvSBWzHqwKPk57vTkS+WfPIuOukG0NSbub9R/yaJELRfzUGzrhmtFut15qdeeheciY926K2u05toUz8sIu0huXd+FPFv9RXpFTTbKp/WA4WobQT/jEYrykwhNaQ66yDNMwY7wijEtMCmysqqo6xOb8Ga+tbjWYe1jtYqfW0uCucoYwWCHS3F0kRGoajWTpAiiJRZJRmu01+Y3

What do I need to know about XML Signatures to get SAML working?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-03 05:04:34
问题 At work we have a web app that we'll need to interface with another company's web app using Single Sign On validated by SAML. Our web apps are written in PHP, and it's obviously irrelevant what language choice the other company is using. Nonetheless, I've needed to write a simple API that this other company can send SOAP requests to with SAML requests, and generate back a SAML response. I've been writing it from scratch for three reasons: 1) there don't really seem to be many options for SAML

OpenSAML (2.0) Signature validation not working

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-02 18:36:33
Problem: I am using OpenSAML to build a means of authenticating the SAML 2.0 response posted to our servers. I have got most of it working, with the ability to access the various aspects of the assertion. The only issue is that when I attempt to validate the signature using the public key below, it states that " Signature did not validate against the credential's key ". Any ideas? Public Key: MIICozCCAgygAwIBAgIGATxK1oY4MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMIGUMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEG A1UECAwKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBwwNU2FuIEZyYW5jaXNjbzENMAsGA1UECgwET2t0YTEU

Generating XADES-BES with “ds” prefix

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-02 09:56:14
问题 I used signedxml class for generating xml signature. And the result xml like below; <Signature Id="orderSignature" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/> <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> ............. ...... ... </Signature> <Object>....</Object> I need to generate XADES-BES xml format,, thats wy I want to add Prefix "ds:" to signedxml. without "ds",

How to Verify a RSA-SHA512 XML Signature in .NET?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-01 17:08:43
问题 With the help of the MSDN site about SignedXml, I can easily verify if an XML DSig is correct. It works perfectly if the signature method sha1 was used. However, when I receive the SignatureMethod RSA-SHA512 (http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha512), CheckSignature() breaks with an CryptograhicException: SignatureDescription could not be created for the signature algorithm supplied. It seems like CheckSignature() is not able to verify RSA-SHA512 signatures. Does anyone know how to

Xml Signature for XmlElement fails to verify

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-01 11:11:48
I apologize in advance for the rather lengthy block of code, but it's the smallest compilable example I could produce. I already omitted all error checking from the original code. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5, although this is nothing new to 4.5, it should work with any version. I am trying to sign an XML documents' elements to protect them from tampering. I don't want to protect the whole document, but only certain elements. Maybe even different elements with different keys. However, when I sign three example elements and try to verify them, the first one always verifies, the

Xml Signature for XmlElement fails to verify

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-01 07:48:48
问题 I apologize in advance for the rather lengthy block of code, but it's the smallest compilable example I could produce. I already omitted all error checking from the original code. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5, although this is nothing new to 4.5, it should work with any version. I am trying to sign an XML documents' elements to protect them from tampering. I don't want to protect the whole document, but only certain elements. Maybe even different elements with different keys.

Difference between signing a XML message using dsig:Signature and TLS Client Certificate

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-01 01:07:06
I realise this question may be a bit vague or I may be using incorrect terminology, that is because I am trying to get to grips with this stuff :). I have a requirement to implement digital signing of a XML message by using a dsig:Signature section. I think I understand this process; I will use a private key to sign it which will guarantee to the recipient that it was me who sent the message and that no one has tampered with it. Am I right that this is different from implementing TLS Client Certificates but the goal is the same? (because TLS is transport level, right?) Would implementing