
Windowless Controls

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-01-28 06:31:53
问题 The MSDN page for the ShowWithoutActivation method - here - on a Form state that ToolStripItem s are windowless. What does it mean for a control to be windowless? What purpose do they serve? How can I make my own Windowless controls? 回答1: In underlying Windows architecture, a Control is basically a borderless Window. They are 90% the same thing. A ToolStripItem, on the other hand, does not derive from Control. It does not draw itself, it does not have a Window handle or a message queue. A

Way to make a Windowless WPF window draggable without getting InvalidOperationException

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-21 01:52:10
问题 I have a window less WPF main window. I'm trying to make it so that the end user can drag the window. I've added the following to the Window's constructor: this.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { DragMove(); }; The problem is, I have a dialog box that opens up with two buttons. When I click one of these buttons, I get an InvalidOperationException unhandled with the message "Can only call DragMove when primary mouse button is down." This poses a few questions: Why would a mousedown event in a

Can a plugin(for safari on mac) be made windowed or windowless programmatically?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-25 16:09:11
问题 We are making a plugin for safari browser on mac. After browsing over internet, i found that generally plugins on mac are windowless but i want a windowed plugin. Even in function NPP_SetWindow i tried to print the value of variable type (which is of type NPWindowType ) as following: NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow * pNPWindow) { ... printf("....: %d",pNPWindow->type); ... } It prints 2 i.e its value is NPWindowTypeDrawable means windowless. Moreover, I read the following code

Where to put code in (primarily) windowless WPF app?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-24 05:54:59
问题 So I'm planning on writing an application that is largely a windowless application. There will be windows for user interaction, but only at the request of the user. Otherwise the application sits in the system tray and runs a timer, executing some logic every minute or so. My question is this: As far as I can tell, I would put all the related logic in App.xaml.cs (starting the timer, executing the logic at each interval), but for some reason this seems wrong to me. The app will have a system

Display a windowless Forms PictureBox, always on top

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-23 04:55:55
问题 How can I write an windows forms app that displays (multiple) windowless picture boxes, that are always shown 'on top' i.e. always visible? The idea is for the app to be run at the same time as main application so that the picture boxes 'appear' as though they belong to main application but exist in a separate process. And, preferably the space between the displays remains clickable to the main app e.g.: --------------------- | -- | | | | <---------|------App.exe | -- | | | -- | | | | | <- |

Hiding the process window, why isn't it working?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-19 18:56:14
问题 I have tried several things now to hide the window of a new process (in this case it's just notepad.exe for testing), but it just won't work regardless of what I try. I have read many posts now all saying the same so why isn't it working for me? I have a console app that is supposed to launch other processes without showing their windows. I have tried to make my console app launch notepad.exe without a window, but it just won't work. ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo("path to

Windowless tray icon application

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-07 17:20:24
问题 OK I am a total newbie at WPF but I have to develop what's in the title with wpf but not relying on MVVM. I have followed this: WPF Application that only has a tray icon I found the first answer the one with the hardcodet lib but find it too difficult and MVVM biased. So followed the second one and everything seemed fine except that in the end it doesn't work. So in my App.xaml.cs I have put: public partial class App : Application { private System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon notifyIcon = null;

OpenGL ES2.0 offscreen context for FBO rendering

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-04 09:32:21
问题 I would like to do offscreen rendering (in console environment without any WS) with FBOs. I know that it is necessary to create an OpenGL context, and at least a dummy window for any operation, therefore I did the following initialization: // Step 1 - Get the default display. eglDisplay = eglGetDisplay((EGLNativeDisplayType)0); // Step 2 - Initialize EGL. EGLint iMajorVersion, iMinorVersion; if (!eglInitialize(eglDisplay, &iMajorVersion, &iMinorVersion)) { printf("Error: eglInitialize()

Way to make a Windowless WPF window draggable without getting InvalidOperationException

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-11-30 09:16:51
I have a window less WPF main window. I'm trying to make it so that the end user can drag the window. I've added the following to the Window's constructor: this.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { DragMove(); }; The problem is, I have a dialog box that opens up with two buttons. When I click one of these buttons, I get an InvalidOperationException unhandled with the message "Can only call DragMove when primary mouse button is down." This poses a few questions: Why would a mousedown event in a dialog have anything to do with this? How can I do this without this exception? Thanks! The 'correct'