
Keep getting [WDS] Disconnected! error

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:47:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I'm currently getting started on ReactJs. However, I've come across the following error in the console which doers not show in the terminal: [WDS] Disconnected!sock.onclose @ client?64c0:70EventTarget.dispatchEvent @ eventtarget.js:49(anonymous function) @ main.js:356 abstract-xhr.js:128 GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT It's looking for "sockjs-node" which I've installed locally and globally, however no change. Shouldn't it be searching the "node_modules" folder? Here is my configuration:

After update to Angular 6 [WDS] Disconnected on IE after load

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:06:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I updated my Angular Project from 5 to 6. But now I have issues with the Internet Explorer 11. Every time I try to load the live dev server on localhost:4200 the login page renders but immediatly disconnects from the live dev server. All other Browsers work fine, no errors on the console (tried with Edge, Firefox and Chrome) My pollyfills look like this: /** * This file includes polyfills needed by Angular and is loaded before the app. * You can add your own extra polyfills to this file. * * This file is divided into 2 sections: * 1. Browser


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:32:02
因为实际工作需要搭建过WDS系统批量部署服务器,在自己动手搭建之前在网路上学习过一些资料,但实际操作过程中总是有很多问题或注意事项没有被提及,让自己的WDS服务器部署过程耗费了很多时间和精力。我一直就想把部署过程中特别需要注意的部分融进一个系列的教程中,让学习者可以参照流程轻松实现学习目的。于是我就利用可用时间录制了这个实用课程: 《零成本搭建WDS轻量级系统批量部署环境视频课程》 。 学习目标 在Windows Server 2012R2上使用系统自带的WDS服务搭建Windows7系统批量部署环境,实现Windows7系统在台式机和笔记本上批量部署。 适用人群 想学习Windows WDS部署服务知识的IT同仁;有微软系统批量部署需求的个人或公司IT。 课程简介 在单台服务器上搭建基于Windows Server 2012R2的WDS批量系统部署环境,无需AD域等复杂环境要求,只需要有DHCP和WDS服务即可快速搭建环境。适用没有部署环境的公司用于新旧电脑批量更换项目实施,以及电脑租赁公司批量完成大量电脑系统镜部署场景。 课程特色: 实战经验重现和总结,学以致用。 原文:http://blog.51cto.com/lander/2131897

make a windows highlight search in c#

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-01 10:39:22
Would it be possible through c# to actually do a windows search (the one you find in Vista from the menu with higlighting (e.g you write 'fire' and get 'firefox')). Thanks :) Yes, this is possible with the Windows Desktop Search (WDS) API. You'll need the SDK , which even provides a .Net assembly if I recall correctly. Then look at the documentation to learn how to query the WDS index. It's quite simple, here's the C# example they provide: OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Search.CollatorDSO;Integrated Security=SSPI;User ID=<username>;Password=

Windows Desktop Search not returning QueryFocusedSummary

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-01 08:41:05
When searching through files indexed using Windows Desktop Search, it would be nice if I could see a snippet of the text within the document that is related to the search text. However when I try to retrieve "System.Search.QueryFocusedSummary" or "System.Search.QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback " I get a "column name not found" error. (The code that I am using to query this is shown in this question: Microsoft Desktop Search - CONTAINS not returning results on windows server 2008 ) This is confusing because when you do a search within explorer, you get the snippet of text in your results. So it

make a windows highlight search in c#

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-01 06:37:31
问题 Would it be possible through c# to actually do a windows search (the one you find in Vista from the menu with higlighting (e.g you write 'fire' and get 'firefox')). Thanks :) 回答1: Yes, this is possible with the Windows Desktop Search (WDS) API. You'll need the SDK, which even provides a .Net assembly if I recall correctly. Then look at the documentation to learn how to query the WDS index. It's quite simple, here's the C# example they provide: OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( "Data

Windows Desktop Search not returning QueryFocusedSummary

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-01 06:11:08
问题 When searching through files indexed using Windows Desktop Search, it would be nice if I could see a snippet of the text within the document that is related to the search text. However when I try to retrieve "System.Search.QueryFocusedSummary" or "System.Search.QueryFocusedSummaryWithFallback " I get a "column name not found" error. (The code that I am using to query this is shown in this question: Microsoft Desktop Search - CONTAINS not returning results on windows server 2008 ) This is


妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-11-29 17:14:56
作为新人第一次在这里写点东西,将工作中的部分记录下来,希望能和各位大牛交流学习下。很多操作来源于网络,当然也少不了同事的帮助,在此感谢这些无私奉献的大牛们,通过自己的实践操作现将操作和心得做下总结希望各位大牛多多意见,批评。 做运维的朋友都免不了需要给大批量的服务器安装系统。我们通常分为两种情况一种是在架设机房的时候有大量的服务器上架;另一种是小批量的从本地发往机房,包括服务器替换和小批量的机房扩建情况。 下面谈谈我对这两种情况的看法吧,这两种情况无疑都需要给服务器安装系统(谁特么都知道,要你说。。),当然这也许稍微有点不同,对于第一种面对大量服务器的情况,如果我们一台一台手动安装这个效率...唉,当然不说你也能知道。一般我们去到IDC机房的处理方法是,将所有服务器上架,按设计的网络拓扑图布线连通网络,配置好需要的RAID和网络参数,接下来我们就会将我们作为安装系统的母鸡(机),也就是配置了PXE和WDS的本本连接进这些需要安装的服务器所在的局域网,这也就是本文将要提到的重点。 我们来说说另外一种情况吧,一般的互联网公司都会有自己的装配测试间,用来测试新的机器性能和测试一些解决问题的新方法,当然也会用来安装系统,和测试不通系统在机器上得运行情况。当然我们这里只谈谈安装系统的部分(毕竟我也只是个小小鸟而已,多的也还需要不断学习)。在公司给小批量的机器装系统,如果很少

Open mails in outlook from java using the protocol “mapi://”

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-29 12:26:24
I developp a Java application using Windows Desktop Search from which I can retrieve some information about files on my computer such as urls ( System.ItemUrl ). An example of such url is file://c:/users/ausername/documents/aninterestingfile.txt for "normal" files. This field give also urls of mail items indexed from Outlook or Thunderbird. Thunderbird's items (only available using vista and seven) are also files (.wdseml). But outlook's items urls start with "mapi://" like : mapi://{S-1-5-21-1626573300-1364474481-487586288-1001}/toto@mycompany.com($b423dcd5)/0/Inbox/가가가가곕갘객겒갨겑곓걌게겻겨곹곒갓곅갩갤가갠가