Open mails in outlook from java using the protocol “mapi://”

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-29 12:26:24

Well, my question was a little bit tricky. But I finally found an answer and will share it here.

What I suspected was true : Windows uses UTF-16 (little endian) urls. It makes no differences working in UTF-8 when we only use paths to files such as images, text, etc. But to be able to access Outlook items, we must use UTF-16LE. If I were coding in C#, there wouldn't have been any problem. But in Java, you have to be more inventive.

From Windows Desktop Search, I retrieve this:


And what I did is creating a temporary VB script and run it like this:

 * Opens a set of items using the given set of paths.
public static void openItems(List<String> urls) {
  try {

    // Create VB script
    String script =
      "Sub Run(ByVal sFile)\n" +
      "Dim shell\n" +
      "Set shell = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\n" +
      "shell.Run Chr(34) & sFile & Chr(34), 1, False\n" +
      "Set shell = Nothing\n" +
      "End Sub\n";

    File file = new File("openitems.vbs");

    // Format all urls before writing and add a line for each given url
    String urlsString = "";
    for (String url : urls) {
      if (url.startsWith("file:")) {
        url = url.substring(5);
      urlsString += "Run \"" + url + "\"\n";

    // Write UTF-16LE bytes in openitems.vbs
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);

    // Run vbs file
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /C openitems.vbs");

  } catch(Exception e){}