
OpenGL Vertex Array Object failing to bind Vertex Buffer [duplicate]

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-05-09 16:00:58
问题 This question already has answers here : How does VAO keep buffer bindings? (1 answer) Storing different vertex attributes in different VBO's (1 answer) Closed 2 days ago . I am learning OpenGL through From that site, and my research on the internet while trying to solve this problem, I have learned that Vertex Array Objects are useful because you can bind one with glBindVertexArray , and Any associated attributes will be setup. The buffer bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER

OpenGL Vertex Array Object failing to bind Vertex Buffer [duplicate]

北城余情 提交于 2020-05-09 16:00:45
问题 This question already has answers here : How does VAO keep buffer bindings? (1 answer) Storing different vertex attributes in different VBO's (1 answer) Closed 2 days ago . I am learning OpenGL through From that site, and my research on the internet while trying to solve this problem, I have learned that Vertex Array Objects are useful because you can bind one with glBindVertexArray , and Any associated attributes will be setup. The buffer bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER

Direct State access with vertex buffers

安稳与你 提交于 2020-01-13 03:37:12
问题 Looking at this question from 2010, concerning vertex buffers in modern OpenGL, is it still the case that Direct State Access is unavailable with them? I've modified most of my graphics library to use DSA with framebuffer, texture and so on but I still need to "bind" to set my vertex array state (bind array, bind index buffer, bind vertex buffer, unbind array, etc.). Update 1: I had trouble understanding what the parameters do from BDL's answer. My unit test for a very simple vertex buffer

Get old style OpenGL code work in GLSL

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-05 16:48:23
问题 I am trying to draw this pattern in OpenGL : To get this, I created the pattern like : vector< vector<DataPoint> > datas; float Intensitytemp=0; float xPos=0, yPos=0, angleInRadians=0; for (float theta = 0.0f; theta < 4096; theta += 1.f) { vector<DataPoint> temp; angleInRadians = 2 * M_PI*theta / 4096; for (float r = 0; r < 4096; r += 1.f) { xPos = cos(angleInRadians)*r / 4096; yPos = sin(angleInRadians)*r / 4096; Intensitytemp = ((float)((int)r % 256)) / 255; DataPoint dt; dt.x = xPos; dt.y

OpenGL big projects, VAO-s and more

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-13 16:11:50
问题 So I've been learning OpenGL 3.3 on and I got really confused about some stuff. VAO-s. By my understanding they are used to store the glVertexAttribPointer calls. VBO-s. They store vertecies. So if I am making something with multiple objects do I need a VBO for every object? Shader Programs - Why do we need multiple ones and what exactly do they do ? What exactly does this line do : glBindFragDataLocation(shaderProgram, 0, "outColor"); The most important thing is how does all

Vertex Array Objects - Confusion regarding exactly what state information is saved about the currently bound vertex buffer

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-09 10:39:46
问题 I'm working through the excellent tutorials at arcsynthesis while building a graphics engine and have discovered I don't understand VAOs as much as I thought I had. From the tutorial Chapter 5. Objects In Depth Buffer Binding and Attribute Association You may notice that glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER) is not on that list, even though it is part of the attribute setup for rendering. The binding to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER is not part of a VAO because the association between a buffer object and a vertex

How to minimize glVertexAttribPointer calls when using Instanced Arrays?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-06 09:27:46
问题 I have OpenGL code using one VAO for all model data and two VBOs. The first for standard vertex attributes like position and normal and the second for the model matrices. I am using instanced draw, so I load the model matrices as instanced arrays (which are basically vertex attributes). First I load the standard vertex attributes to a VBO and setup everything once with glVertexAttribPointer . Then I load the model matrices to another VBO. Now I have to call glVertexAttribPointer in the draw

Direct State access with vertex buffers

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-05 15:55:36
Looking at this question from 2010 , concerning vertex buffers in modern OpenGL, is it still the case that Direct State Access is unavailable with them? I've modified most of my graphics library to use DSA with framebuffer, texture and so on but I still need to "bind" to set my vertex array state (bind array, bind index buffer, bind vertex buffer, unbind array, etc.). Update 1: I had trouble understanding what the parameters do from BDL's answer. My unit test for a very simple vertex buffer (one attribute, a position) gives me a blank screen (it worked fine with the old method of describing

Purpose of binding points in OpenGL?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-05 06:09:31
I don't understand what the purpose is of binding points (such as GL_ARRAY_BUFFER ) in OpenGL. To my understanding glGenBuffers() creates a sort of pointer to a vertex buffer object located somewhere within GPU memory. So: glGenBuffers(1, &bufferID) means I now have a handle, bufferID, to 1 vertex object on the graphics card. Now I know the next step would be to bind bufferID to a binding point glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferID) so that I can use that binding point to send data down using the glBufferData() function like so: glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(data), data, GL_STATIC_DRAW

How to minimize glVertexAttribPointer calls when using Instanced Arrays?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-04 13:46:06
I have OpenGL code using one VAO for all model data and two VBOs. The first for standard vertex attributes like position and normal and the second for the model matrices. I am using instanced draw, so I load the model matrices as instanced arrays (which are basically vertex attributes). First I load the standard vertex attributes to a VBO and setup everything once with glVertexAttribPointer . Then I load the model matrices to another VBO. Now I have to call glVertexAttribPointer in the draw loop. Can I somehow prevent this? The code looks like this: // vertex data of all models in one array