
How can I programmatically insert RTF text into a PowerPoint text frame using C#?

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-08 11:21:11
问题 Is there any way to programmatically insert RTF-formatted text into a PowerPoint TextFrame? string myString = <some RTF formatted text>; MyPlaceholder.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = myString; This answer gets me close: Is it possible to insert pieces of RTF text into a Word document (.docx) using OpenXml? But I am having trouble figuring out how to do this in PowerPoint rather than Word. What I am trying to do is copy text from a RichEditBox in my application onto a PowerPoint slide and maintain

Using UWP API with Qt

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-08 10:27:22
问题 In Visual Studio I included: using namespace Windows::Devices::Enumeration; and it works. When adding/including namespaces in Qt I get errors. Any documentation how to use UWP API with Qt ? For example: .h #include <windows.devices.enumeration.h> .cpp DeviceAccessInformation deviceInfo; I get error: C2065: 'DeviceAccessInformation': undeclared identifier Update: I have found some information related the issue. So I have added the Win SDK path ( INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows

How to digitally sign the installation files of the desktop bridge app?

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-08 10:00:51
问题 This problem may not be as simple as the title says, because for some reason, I am not authorized to have a certificate, and I can only give the program (not the code) to another person for digitally sign. I'll elaborate on the following. What I already know is that after I upload the app to MS store, Ms store will automatically sign my app, but it seems that it will only sign the msixbundle file. because in this path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\[AppName]_[AppVersion]_neutral__[PackageID] ,

Is there any requirement for model class in SQLite database?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-08 09:52:54
问题 I am writing code using LINQ to SQLite on UWP. To my understanding, models are templates of rows of the tables in the database. The documentations about SQLite barely mention the restrictions of the models, or how the models are converted into rows of tables. The sample codes usually provide only simple cases with primary types. My questions are: Is there any difference between a database model class and a normal class. I find at least in this example(which is a nice one, by the way), The

UWP Scale textblock inside treeview - text wrapping

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-08 07:27:34
问题 Can please anyone help, I am working on a UWP app and I want TextBlock to wrap the text inside it according to window width. That Textblock is inside Grid which is inside TreeView. Now when I resize my app window it doesn't do anything. Original: Resized: I want it to look like this and don't have fixed width but to change dynamically with window: This is my XAML code: <TreeView Name="ItemsTreeView" SelectionMode="Multiple" ItemsSource="{x:Bind DataSource}" CanReorderItems="False" CanDrag=

UWP Scale textblock inside treeview - text wrapping

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-08 07:25:36
问题 Can please anyone help, I am working on a UWP app and I want TextBlock to wrap the text inside it according to window width. That Textblock is inside Grid which is inside TreeView. Now when I resize my app window it doesn't do anything. Original: Resized: I want it to look like this and don't have fixed width but to change dynamically with window: This is my XAML code: <TreeView Name="ItemsTreeView" SelectionMode="Multiple" ItemsSource="{x:Bind DataSource}" CanReorderItems="False" CanDrag=

Desktop Bridge Window Store Application fails. Local Installation works

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-08 06:48:53
问题 I have a Desktop Bridge application which launches a UWP window from the menu (Select Help > Contents to launch the UWP Window). The local installation ( AppPackages\appName_Test\appName_x86_bundle.msixbundle ) works fine. I've uploaded AppPackages\appName_x86_bundle.msixupload to the Microsoft Store but the store version fails to launch the window. The window opens for a couple of seconds and then shuts down. Debugging the installed store version I get the following exception: Exception

How to get Windows 10 Device ID in UWP application?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-08 06:36:37
问题 I am developing a Windows 10 UWP client application which run in company's local network. The application needs to know Windows 10 Device ID to identify each PC that it's installed on. You can see value of Windows 10 Device ID in Settings-About page: I tried to use EasClientDeviceInformation.Id but its value is different. How do I do to get Windows 10 Device ID? 回答1: I think SystemIdentification class is what you are looking for. It doesnot provide device id in settings page. But it is used

ML.NET fails to run on uwp

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-08 05:38:37
问题 I built a UWP App in Visual Studio 2017 and also added a class library in the solution to run ML.NET but every time I run the application I get an exception PlatformNotSupportedException . Retrieving information about local processes is not supported on this platform What could be the problem? 回答1: This is a .NET Standard exception that happens when the a library tries to access an API which is not actually implemented on the platform but is present to make the platform .NET Standard

How to debug a .exe launched from Full​Trust​Process​Launcher

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-08 05:27:14
问题 I have built a UWP app, and a WPF app within the same solution. I am using the Full​Trust​Process​Launcher class to launch the WPF app from the UWP app. I am also using the App​Service​Connection class to allow the two apps to communicate with each other. This all works fine in a basic scenario. But once I start really developing my WPF app beyond the samples I can find I will need to start debugging in visual studio. I've tried the following: Set breakpoints within the WPF code. Result : I