
Get Bluetooth Device Battery Level

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-10 06:15:16
问题 I decided to build a tool to display the battery level of a pair of Bluetooth headphones, since I got this feature on Android, but not on Windows. For some reason, it just doesn't display in the settings. I'm using UWP and with the Device Enumerator I managed to pull a list of connected devices. Is there any way to get the battery level from this point? I've seen that people are using RFCom or GATT, but their issue involves connecting to the device, which I think is redundant since the tool

Get Bluetooth Device Battery Level

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-10 06:14:12
问题 I decided to build a tool to display the battery level of a pair of Bluetooth headphones, since I got this feature on Android, but not on Windows. For some reason, it just doesn't display in the settings. I'm using UWP and with the Device Enumerator I managed to pull a list of connected devices. Is there any way to get the battery level from this point? I've seen that people are using RFCom or GATT, but their issue involves connecting to the device, which I think is redundant since the tool

Get Bluetooth Device Battery Level

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-10 06:14:01
问题 I decided to build a tool to display the battery level of a pair of Bluetooth headphones, since I got this feature on Android, but not on Windows. For some reason, it just doesn't display in the settings. I'm using UWP and with the Device Enumerator I managed to pull a list of connected devices. Is there any way to get the battery level from this point? I've seen that people are using RFCom or GATT, but their issue involves connecting to the device, which I think is redundant since the tool

UWP: How to call WinAPI Method

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-10 05:45:47
问题 My question is simple. How can I call a WinAPI Method like emptyClipboard in an UWP app? I included the 'Windows Desktop Extensions for the UWP' The method is listed under Windows API Index / Data Exchange / Clipboard Reference / Clipboard Functions I've tried the following ( js ): Windows.emptyClipboard(); Windows.WinAPI.emptyClipboard(); Windows.ApplicationModel.emptyClipboard(); Windows.DataExchange.emptyClipboard(); Windows.DataExchange.Clipboard.emptyClipboard(); each of them giving me

How to remove flicker or blinking when removing items from listview in uwp?

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-08 12:10:24
问题 When i am removing item from listview , my uwp app blink ...please tell me how to solve this issue. here is the link for video that shows my error. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NLfr9cfoHwm-Vh2fgPAjsGoqnmGzw2d9/view?usp=sharing 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65787915/how-to-remove-flicker-or-blinking-when-removing-items-from-listview-in-uwp

Microsoft Store Engagement Services - Dev Center Push Notifications UWP C#

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-08 11:51:24
问题 Ok, I have a simple and silly question, maybe someone could clarify for me. In the instructions provided by Microsoft, they state "1.In your project, locate a section of code that runs during startup in which you can register your app to receive Dev Center notifications." Now, would this be in App.xaml.cs OR in MainPage.xaml.cs I did my work in App.xaml.cs (Correct Place) However, it is not working The instructions provided by Microsoft were vague. The example they provide also gives no hint

Microsoft Store Engagement Services - Dev Center Push Notifications UWP C#

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-08 11:51:03
问题 Ok, I have a simple and silly question, maybe someone could clarify for me. In the instructions provided by Microsoft, they state "1.In your project, locate a section of code that runs during startup in which you can register your app to receive Dev Center notifications." Now, would this be in App.xaml.cs OR in MainPage.xaml.cs I did my work in App.xaml.cs (Correct Place) However, it is not working The instructions provided by Microsoft were vague. The example they provide also gives no hint

How to Get ICoreWindowInterop from CoreWindow

可紊 提交于 2021-02-08 11:37:57
问题 I have a C++/WinRT/UWP project. I need the HWND and HINSTANCE to be able to correctly initialize Direct Input, otherwise DirectInput manage only to enumerate the keyboard and mouse but not the joysticks.. don't ask me why, I even tried to get the TopMostWindow from the HInstance got with GetModule, it just return NULL when running from my C++/WinRT/UWP app, but works when running from a console app. documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/corewindow/nn-corewindow

How to Get ICoreWindowInterop from CoreWindow

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-08 11:36:05
问题 I have a C++/WinRT/UWP project. I need the HWND and HINSTANCE to be able to correctly initialize Direct Input, otherwise DirectInput manage only to enumerate the keyboard and mouse but not the joysticks.. don't ask me why, I even tried to get the TopMostWindow from the HInstance got with GetModule, it just return NULL when running from my C++/WinRT/UWP app, but works when running from a console app. documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/corewindow/nn-corewindow

Poor performance on H264 decoding

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-02-08 11:25:50
问题 I'm decoding a H264 video stream using Media Foundation. It works, but performance is really poor on both Windows (desktop) and HoloLens 2 (UWP). Decoding a single 1920x1080 frame takes 30 ms on a fairly powerful PC, 100 ms on the HoloLens . I'm wondering if it's using software rendering instead of hardware rendering. Any idea on how to make sure that I'm doing hardware decoding, or any other hints on how to improve performance? The code is as follows: Decode.cpp: #include "MFUtility.h"