
How to detect if PIN/password/pattern is required to unlock phone?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-18 11:28:07
问题 How can I detect if the phone is locked by a password, pin or pattern? thank you! 回答1: Two methods Check programatically - API 16+ https://gist.github.com/doridori/54c32c66ef4f4e34300f Note that you dont need to check for face unlock as that requires that a pin/pass fallback is set. Device Admin Policies Can also look into the Device Admin Policies which allow restrictions on how the app is setup regarding security including pin/pass set restrictions Device Administration Enhancing Security

C++ thread 那点事

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-16 18:09:01
1. C++ 线程通过thread th(func)或者thread *th=new thread(func)建立;建立线程后,记得在作用域内调用join或detach,否则退出作用域后程序会异常退出;其中join表示阻塞主线程在join处,等待子线程结束后再继续;detach表示主线程与子线程分离,独立运行; 2. mutex(互斥锁)用于在多个线程访问同一资源时,保证数据的一致性(lock/unlock),lock后,其他线程将阻塞在lock处,直到unlock; 3. 如果mutex多次lock, 第二次会阻塞在lock处 ,直到unlock;C++提供了 try_lock() 防止阻塞; 4. 可以使用 lock_guard自动加锁、解锁。原理是 RAII,和智能指针类似或者使用 unique_lock自动加锁、解锁 unique_lock与 lock_guard原理相同,但是提供了更多功能(比如可以结合条件变量使用),unique_lock和lock_guard都是管理锁的辅助类工具,都是RAII风格;它们是在定义时获得锁,在析构时释放锁。mutex::scoped_lock其实就是 unique_lock < mutex > 的 typedef。 5. RAII(Resource Acquisition Is Initialization),也称直译为

is there a notification when “slide to unlock” has occurred

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-13 19:08:12
问题 I have an iphone game that plays background music using AVSoundPlayer - when someone locks the iphone the music stops which is fine. But when someone unlocks it, I don't want my music to start playing again while you're staring at the "slide to unlock" screen - I want it to start playing once you've actually slid the button and the app is visible again - is there some way to detect this? (I've tried applicationDidBecomeActive but that fires when the phone is unlocked but not when your app is

Issues with dev phone unlock. Constantly getting 0x64 error

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-13 05:07:43
问题 I have an old device, Lumia 800, it was unlocked about a year ago. Today i restored factory setting on the device and tried to unlock it, but i'm always getting the 0x64. I tried to: reboot the phone, reset its factory settings again, try to register with turned on/off WiFi / 3G / Location run with/without sim-card turned off skype Still nothing helps, any ideas? PS: i can see a device in my Dashboard, but DevTool returns me 0x64 and phone is still locked. 回答1: May be you Should UnRegister


谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-11 14:03:43
引言 在现代计算机中,cpu的指令速度远超内存的存取速度,由于计算机的存储设备与处理器的运算速度有几个数量级的差距,所以现代计算机系统都不得不加入一层读写速度尽可能接近处理器运算速度的高速缓存(Cache)来作为内存与处理器之间的缓冲:将运算需要使用到的数据复制到缓存中,让运算能快速进行,当运算结束后再从缓存同步回内存之中,这样处理器就无须等待缓慢的内存读写了。 基于高速缓存的存储交互很好地解决了处理器与内存的速度矛盾,但是也为计算机系统带来更高的复杂度,因为它引入了一个新的问题:缓存一致性(Cache Coherence)。在多处理器系统中,每个处理器都有自己的高速缓存,而它们又共享同一主内存(MainMemory)。当多个处理器的运算任务都涉及同一块主内存区域时,将可能导致各自的缓存数据不一致,举例说明变量在多个CPU之间的共享。如果真的发生这种情况,那同步回到主内存时以谁的缓存数据为准呢?为了解决一致性的问题,需要各个处理器访问缓存时都遵循一些协议,在读写时要根据协议来进行操作,这类协议有MSI、MESI(Illinois Protocol)、MOSI、Synapse、Firefly及Dragon Protocol等。 一、JMM(Java Memory Model) java虚拟机规范定义java内存模型屏蔽掉各种硬件和操作系统的内存访问差异


怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-11 08:37:05
引言 在现代计算机中, cpu的指令速度远超内存的存取速度 ,由于计算机的存储设备与处理器的运算速度有几个数量级的差距,所以现代计算机系统都不得不 加入一层读写速度尽可能接近处理器运算速度的高速缓存(Cache) 来作为内存与处理器之间的缓冲: 将运算需要使用到的数据复制到缓存中,让运算能快速进行,当运算结束后再从缓存同步回内存之中,这样处理器就无须等待缓慢的内存读写了。 基于高速缓存的存储交互很好地解决了处理器与内存的速度矛盾,但是也为计算机系统带来更高的复杂度,因为它 引入了一个新的问题:缓存一致性(Cache Coherence) 。在多处理器系统中,每个处理器都有自己的高速缓存,而它们又共享同一主内存(MainMemory)。当多个处理器的运算任务都涉及同一块主内存区域时,将可能导致各自的缓存数据不一致,举例说明变量在多个CPU之间的共享。如果真的发生这种情况,那同步回到主内存时以谁的缓存数据为准呢?为了解决一致性的问题,需要各个处理器访问缓存时都遵循一些协议,在读写时要根据协议来进行操作,这类协议有MSI、MESI(Illinois Protocol)、MOSI、Synapse、Firefly及Dragon Protocol等。 一、JMM(Java Memory Model) java虚拟机规范定义 java内存模型屏蔽掉各种硬件和操作系统的内存访问差异

Unlock Windows Phone 7 emulator

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-10 17:26:17
问题 Today I wanted to unlock the WP7 emulator in order to see some more functionalities available like: task manager, accessing isolated storage files and look over default applications like Office, Messaging and others, but I could not make it work ... I followed the instructions from here but I'm not having the [YourHardDrive]:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/WindowsPhone/v7.0/Emulation/ Images folder . In [YourHardDrive]:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/WindowsPhone/v7.0/Emulation folder I have only

SQL Server - Simultaneous Inserts to the table from multiple clients - Check Limit and Block

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-10 14:49:09
问题 We are recently facing one issue with simultaneous inserts into one of our sal server tables from multiple clients. I hope you guys can help us through. We are using stored procedure to do the transactions. In that stored procedure, for each transaction, we calculate total sales so far. If the total sales is less than the set limit, then the transaction will be allowed. Otherwise, the transaction will be denied. it works fine most of times. But, sometimes when multiple clients trying to do

tfs: how to unlock changes

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-10 03:03:57
问题 I originally edited a file, which did a checkout. I received a new computer, and now I want to edit the file. I don't care about the original edit. TFS reports that another user has an exclusive lock on the file. It's not actually another user, it's me, but the machine is different, so the workspace is different. I tried unlocking with the tf commandline using the following command: tf lock /lock:none /workspace:oldmachinename;domain\me /recursive $/projectname/directory /s:http:tfs:8080/tfs


会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-09 11:01:49
  在JDK1.5以后,在并发包(java.util.concurrent)里面添加包locks,并提供了Lock接口,用于与 synchronized 类似的锁功能,不同的是Lock需要手动开启锁和释放锁。 为什么要用Lock锁? 尝试非阻塞的获取锁 获取锁的过程可以被中断 超时获取锁 Lock锁的实现类图 Lock锁的常用API lock() :加锁 lockInterruptibly() :可中断 tryLock() :尝试非阻塞的获取锁 unlock() :释放锁 public class AttemptLocking { private ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); public void untimed() { boolean captured = lock.tryLock(); try { System.out.println("tryLock(): " + captured); } finally { if(captured) lock.unlock(); } } public void timed() { boolean captured = false; try { captured = lock.tryLock(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch