
Why won't my php code “unlink” text files? [closed]

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-01-05 03:48:13
问题 This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 7 years ago . I have two text files, and a PHP script intended to delete them. My question is: why won't the two text files delete? They are both set to 777, maybe i

Difference between unlink and rm on unix

可紊 提交于 2020-01-01 17:05:25
问题 Whats the real different between these two commands? Why is the system call to delete a file called unlink instead of delete ? 回答1: You need to understand a bit about the original Unix file system to understand this very important question. Unlike other operating systems of its era (late 60s, early 70s) Unix did not store the file name together with the actual directory information (of where the file was stored on the disks.) Instead, Unix created a separate " Inode table " to contain the

PHP unlink denied on localhost / windows

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-25 16:44:52
问题 In portuguese language we use an expression to tell what's going on which is: this is witchcraft So, I'm trying to unlink an image, and while I'm writing this topic I'm thinking about the possibility of <img src='url'/> means that the image is open (?). I have an html table with two columns. # | Image Delete Image here displayed Delete Image here displayed etc.. etc... By clicking "Delete", an AJAX function is performed. $(".delete").on('click', function(){ var parent = $(this).parent(); $


心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-25 03:32:35
4-ReeHY-main-double_free 拿到程序看一下保护和内容只开了NX保护 是一个有关于堆的创建删除编辑的程序。拿到程序寻找漏洞点。首先进入create函数 int result; // eax char buf; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-90h] void *dest; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-10h] int v3; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-8h] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+8Ch] [rbp-4h] result = counter; if ( counter <= 4 ) { puts("Input size"); result = read_0(); LODWORD(nbytes) = result; if ( result <= 0x1000 ) { puts("Input cun"); result = read_0(); v3 = result; if ( result <= 4 ) { dest = malloc((signed int)nbytes); puts("Input content"); if ( (signed int)nbytes > 112 ) { read(0, dest, (unsigned int)nbytes); } else { read(0, &buf,

Finding empty folders recursively and delete them recursively

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-25 02:57:38
问题 I have an directory tree which has been passed to array. I would like to there empty folders inside this array. How can I determine empty folders like /wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ and /wp-content/uploads/2014/ . How can I delete them recursively. Here is my array array ( 0 => './do-update.php', 5 => './wp-config.php', 6 => './wp-content/', 7 => './wp-content/uploads/', 8 => './wp-content/uploads/2013/', 9 => './wp-content/uploads/2013/05/', 10 => './wp-content/uploads/2013/05/kabeduvarkad

unlink() Function invalid argument

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-24 14:19:50
问题 I have a file with directory: PDF\9783790820874-c1.pdf I would like to delete this file with unlink() funciton. But it seems like not working if I set the directory into a variable and unlink it. For example: $FileToDelete = "PDF\9783790820874-c1.pdf"; unlink($FileToDelete); The code is logic isn't it? but why when I execute it, it show me error message: Warning: unlink(PDF\9783790820874-c1.pdf ): Invalid argument on line 36 I have to save file directory into a variable to work well with my

Deleting files after adding them to an archive prevents the archive's creation

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-24 03:12:59
问题 if ($zip->open($zipFile, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) { (...) } else { $zip->addFile($tempDir.$fileName.".xls", $fileName.".xls"); // The array contains the directory structure of the files to add foreach ($list_attachments as $dir_name => $attachment_files) { if (!empty($attachment_files)) { $zip->addEmptyDir($dir_name); foreach ($attachment_files as $attachment) { $zip->addFile($tempDir.$dir_name."/".$attachment, $dir_name."/".$attachment)); unlink($tempDir.$dir_name."/".$attachment); }

Odoo overwrite inherited method

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-24 00:54:55
问题 Hi I'd like to overwrite the unlink() method from product_template which already has been inherited by the module point_of_sale. Now whenever I inherit this method I need to call the super function (so that the original unlink method within the Odoo ORM is called). But if I do this the unlink within point_of_sale is called first (inheritance chain). Any idea too interupt this inheritance chain and place my custom method instead of the point_of_sale > unlink method? I need this to ignore the

unable to unlink file in php

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-21 21:32:48
问题 On a website I'm trying to implement a utility that removes selected images from a certain folder using an HTML form with checkbox selection and a php-file that should actually remove the selected images. The form works and the values of the checkbox are parsed into $_POST['images'] , the php-code to do the rest: $dir=__ROOT__."/images/".$_POST['page']; echo "dir=".$dir."<br>"; $files=array(); $fdir=opendir($dir); while ($i = readdir($fdir)) { //detect images and put them into files() if

unlink PHP works when file is in root, not if file is in folder

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-20 06:26:13
问题 So this one is pretty straight forward I want to delete a file on the server using PHP, I have: $myfile = 'theone.png'; unlink($myfile); This code deletes the file, howevere if the path to file is /images/theone.png, it doesn't work, I have tried images\theone.png with no luck. If I try and connect with FTP I get the error message to say that cURL does not support the unlink function... Any help would be great. Thanks Guys! 回答1: What about: $root = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $myfile