
Executing UninstallString using C#

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-13 05:50:41
问题 I have a problem to execute uninstallString using process, it won't work in all cases. I need a generic procedure that will run in any case. one of my ideas was to parse uninstall string Code: int indexOfExe = uninstallString.ToLower().IndexOf(".exe") + 4; string exeFile = uninstallString.Substring(0, indexOfExe).Trim(); string args = uninstallString.Substring(indexOfExe, uninstallString.Length - indexOfExe).Trim(); if (args.Length > 0) { procStartInfo.FileName = exeFile; procStartInfo

Apache 2.4 - remove | delete | uninstall

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-07 14:51:29
问题 I have been searching the web for quite some time, but I could not found how to completely remove the apache 2.4 . Using : Windows 7 c:\apache24\ I've tried all commands, but nothing works. httpd -k shutdown httpd -k stop httpd -k uninstall keep getting the same result (for each command) : <OS 5> access is denied. failed to open the 'Apache2.4' service. notice, that the service still running, meaning that the apache is still working, and I get the "It works!" in the localhost . 回答1: You are

Custom uninstaller for a WIX generated MSI

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-02 17:37:12
问题 I have an MSI that is being generated from WIX scripts. My question is similar to this question. I want to create a custom uninstaller instead of using the default MSI uninstaller. I am thinking of adding a custom action that executes after PublishProduct or before InstallFinalize that just goes and modifies the registry entry that specifies the uninstall string to use. I am not worried about compatibility with SMS or similar products. What are your thoughts on this method? 回答1: It's not that

Custom uninstaller for a WIX generated MSI

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-02 07:46:12
I have an MSI that is being generated from WIX scripts. My question is similar to this question . I want to create a custom uninstaller instead of using the default MSI uninstaller. I am thinking of adding a custom action that executes after PublishProduct or before InstallFinalize that just goes and modifies the registry entry that specifies the uninstall string to use. I am not worried about compatibility with SMS or similar products. What are your thoughts on this method? It's not that simple. For whatever reason, the ARP doesn't respect the UninstallString on MSI packages. So to change it

Executing UninstallString in Inno Setup

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-11-26 14:42:37
问题 My requirement is to check for previous installation of SQL native Client 11, before installation and uninstall the previous version. I have been able to check for the previous installation with no problems, however, I am unable to uninstall the same. I used the solution mentioned in the How to detect old installation and offer removal? During run time, I am getting the following error Exception: Internal error: Unknown constant "A22EED3F-6DB6-4987-8023-6C6B7030E554". (where the constant is