
Simulate or Virtual Twain source for Twain development [closed]

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-04 06:33:52
Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Learn more . Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 6 years ago . For developing a web based scan solution, I would love to test it on Windows or Mac without actually hooking up a scanner to my box. So is there a program/tool that emulates or gives me a virtual twain source with some default image data? The Twain sample driver that comes along with the twain sample application up on source forge should have what you're looking for.

TwainDotNet Scanning using TWAIN with BackgroundWorker

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-03 16:44:41
Has anyone tried TwainDotNet for scanning with TWAIN API calls from .NET? Though it works well usually I've some issues with it when used along with WPF application using MVVM. Basically I'm calling Twain scanning functions from a Service, which in turn uses a BackgroundWorker. List<BitmapSource> bitmapSources = new List<BitmapSource>(); Twain twain = new Twain(new WpfWindowMessageHook(_window)); ScanSettings settings = new ScanSettings() { ShowTwainUI = false }; using (BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker()) { worker.DoWork += (sndr, evnt) => { AutoResetEvent waitHandle = new


强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-03 15:26:28
手机应用可以作为桌面应用的辅助工具,用来接收桌面应用的状态信息。这里介绍如何实现一个简单的Android程序用于接收Windows扫描仪应用的工作状态。 参考: How to Push Notifications to Android Applications from Windows 思路 创建socket连接用于应用通信 Android上启动后台服务,用于接收信息 在收到信息之后,后台服务会把推送消息发送给Android应用 Socket信息发送 使用 TCPListener 来创建socket连接,相关内容可以参考: Wireless TWAIN Document Scanning on Android 启动停止Android Service 创建服务 NotificationService : public class NotificationService extends Service { @Override public void onCreate() { } @Override public void onDestroy() { } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mBinder; } private final IBinder mBinder = new Binder() {

Ruby on Rails服务器文件上传

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-03 10:24:29
最近看了下ruby on rails,试着把 Dynamic Web TWAIN 集成到ruby on rails中。这里分享下如何在rails中用几行代码搞定文件上传。 参考原文: How to Load, Scan and Upload Files with Ruby on Rails 作者: Desmond Shaw 翻译: yushulx 软件安装 Dynamic Web TWAIN 11.1 Ruby 2.1.7 Ruby Development Kit 在Windows上不要选择Ruby 2.2,不然在运行rails server的时候会报错: nokogiri不支持,详情可以阅读 。 Rails创建工程的基本步骤 安装rails: gem install rails 创建应用: rails new dwt cd到dwt 启动服务 rails server 访问 http://localhost:3000 Rails集成Dynamic Web TWAIN上传文件 创建controller rails generate controller twainscanning home 把 < Dynamic Web TWAIN directory >\Resources

如何把文档扫描保存到Google Drive中

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-03 06:15:28
我们有时候需要使用扫描仪来把纸质文档转换成电子文档用于保存。这篇文章介绍如何创建一个简单的应用,把文件扫描成图片,保存到Google的云服务中。 参考原文: How to Upload Scanned Images to Google Drive With Dynamic .NET TWAIN 准备工作 下载安装 Dynamic .NET TWAIN SDK 。 如果没有扫描仪,可以下载安装 虚拟扫描仪 。 扫描文件 在Visual Studio中创建一个WinForms的工程。 在引用中添加 DynamicDotNetTWAIN.dll 。 创建界面:左侧的显示区域是DynamicDotNetTWAIN控件。 获取设备: dynamicDotNetTwain.OpenSourceManager(); for (lngNum = 0; lngNum < dynamicDotNetTwain.SourceCount; lngNum++) { cmbSource.Items.Add(dynamicDotNetTwain.SourceNameItems(Convert.ToInt16(lngNum))); } 获取图像,显示在控件中: try { dynamicDotNetTwain.SelectSourceByIndex(Convert.ToInt16(cmbSource

Is it possible in TWAIN to force a scanner to set the region to the entire width?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-01 07:37:38
I am writing an application that requires scanning in .net ( c# version 4.0 , Visual Studio 2010). I'm using the TWAIN API in order to do the scanning and I have a problem with the layout feature. The following code works perfectly fine on a Microtek i800 , a CanoScan 9000F and a Microtek Artix Scan F2 but when I run it against an Epson Perfection V700 something really strange occurs. Even though I am setting the left margin of the layout to 0 the left edge of the image is cut off. I tried setting it to negative values but that made no difference. It seems like there is some strangeness and it

TWAIN/WIA implementation for JAVA [closed]

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-11-30 19:54:16
I am working on an application(Java Applet) that interacts with scanner. I understand I need a Twain library or WIA library to make it work in windows. But I am not sure what are the differences of two? I am trying to use this library:,%20IBM%20MMR/MMSC/mmsc/uk/co/mmscomputing/device/twain/index.html JAR file link is broken so I got it from here. And DLLs from here: But, it does not detect the source. Here is the error log:

Accessing scanner at client side from a web page without applet

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-11-30 14:19:54
I want to acces a scanner at client side, before I was using java applet without problem but after chrome has decided to not support java what can I do. If there's solution with JS, Jquery or other language please tell me Atalasoft has a web scanning toolkit that should meet your needs: Atalasoft WingScan product page The product does not use browser-specific plugins and therefore works nicely in all modern browsers (IE8+, Chrome, Firefox). Architecturally, there is a small local component that should be installed, which exposes RESTful web service. Web page uses standard JavaScript/jQuery to

Getting Java and TWAIN to play together nicely [closed]

Deadly 提交于 2019-11-30 05:17:18
I'm working on building an app to scan directly from TWAIN scanner to a Java applet. I'm already aware of Morena and JTwain , but they cost money. I need free. I could re-invent the wheel with JNI, but it seems like someone has probably already done this as a FOSS tool. Is anyone familiar with a free tool that can get a Java applet to read directly from a TWAIN scanner? Spike0xff Calling the TWAIN API from anything except C/C++ is going to be a major pain, it relies entirely on complicated C structures that you have to replicate exactly in memory. If you need only fairly basic scanning, you

TWAIN/WIA implementation for JAVA [closed]

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-11-30 05:03:06
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 3 years ago . I am working on an application(Java Applet) that interacts with scanner. I understand I need a Twain library or WIA library to make it work in windows. But I am not sure what are the differences of two? I am trying to use this library:,%20IBM%20MMR/MMSC/mmsc/uk/co