论文笔记(关于图像检索的总结性论文):Content-Based Image Retrieval and Feature Extraction: A Comprehensive Review(上)
放上引用:Latif, Afshan and Rasheed, Aqsa and Sajid, Umer and Jameel, Ahmed and Ali, Nouman and Ratyal, Naeem Iqbal and Zafar, Bushra and Dar, Saadat and Sajid, Muhammad and Khalil, Tehmina:Content-Based Image Retrieval and Feature Extraction: A Comprehensive Review,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Mathematical Problems in Engineering 这是巴基斯坦的一个团队的研究论文,因为无意中看到其实还挺全面且详细的。一切论文都不是完全正确且最新的,这里就当和大家一起基于这篇论文重新整理一下关于Content-Based 图像检索和特征抽取的种种。然后也是为了跟着这篇文章的参考文献思路,各取所需。以下内容仅代表个人观点,有问题欢迎交流。 关于什么叫 content-based,参考以下论文: Gudivada, Venkat N., and Vijay V. Raghavan. "Content-based image retrieval systems."