
How does Trello handle rearrangement of cards, lists, checklists etc

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-04-10 03:22:27
问题 I am making an app that will have to list of things which can be rearranged. Trello does it perfectly, it allows us to rearrange everything, from lists to cards and checklists. How does it do it? I checked the API calls they make while rearranging, turns out they are sending a key "pos" from the frontend. Everytime I rearrange a card, the ID of that card is used for a PUT request with and updated "pos" value. Here is a list before rearranging: { "id": "553750612a364775ded5f841", "name": "test

How does Trello handle rearrangement of cards, lists, checklists etc

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-04-10 03:16:10
问题 I am making an app that will have to list of things which can be rearranged. Trello does it perfectly, it allows us to rearrange everything, from lists to cards and checklists. How does it do it? I checked the API calls they make while rearranging, turns out they are sending a key "pos" from the frontend. Everytime I rearrange a card, the ID of that card is used for a PUT request with and updated "pos" value. Here is a list before rearranging: { "id": "553750612a364775ded5f841", "name": "test

【年度盛宴】2012年度最佳 Web 前端开发工具和框架——《下篇》

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-03-15 03:10:55
  技术的快速发展让 Web 开发人员学习起来不知所措,幸运的是,很多优秀的开发者和设计人员在努力寻找各种有特色的解决方案。 因此,我们有了很多优秀的小工具和库,每一个都是用来解决特定的问题或维护一组特定的项目。这篇文章收集了2012年度新发布的最具有代表性 Web 前端开发工具和框架,这是一个非常值得收藏的工具列表。 11. Sublime Text 2   如果你想体验流畅编写代码的快感,赶紧试试 Sublime Text 2 吧!    Sublime Text 具有漂亮的用户界面和强大的功能,例如代码缩略图,多重选择,快捷命令等。还可自定义键绑定,菜单和工具栏。Sublime Text 的主要功能包括:拼写检查,书签,完整的 Python API ,Goto 功能,即时项目切换,多选择,多窗口等等。   Sublime Text 是一款跨平台的编辑器,同时支持 Windows、Linux、Mac OS X 等操作系统。Sublime Text 2 是收费软件,但目前可以无限期试用。 12. PhoneGap 2.0    PhoneGap 是一个免费开源的开发框架,让 Web 开发人员能够使用熟悉的 HTML , CSS 和 JavaScript 构建跨平台的移动本地应用。   通过 PhoneGap 框架提供的 JavaScript API


喜欢而已 提交于 2020-02-18 03:38:57
新冠疫情的到来,我们注定过了一个不一样的春节。 为控制新冠疫情的蔓延,各个企业都延迟了开工时间,很多企业便开启了居家远程办公,但是居家远程办公也存在各种各样的问题,那远程办公如何更高效?我整理了一些口碑比较好的远程办公软件,希望可以帮助到大家。 “团队协作” 1、Leangoo Leangoo 是以看板为核心,通过看板共享和实时同步团队工作以实现高效协同。它设计融入了先进的敏捷管理思想;其看板完美支持Scrum敏捷开发。 在完美支持敏捷开发的同时,它也支持传统的项目管理,无论是轻量级看板团队协作、还是敏捷开发(需求管理、迭代管理、缺陷跟踪、)、复杂的阶段式项目或产品研发,都可以完美支持。各个层级的统计,可以随时预警项目风险,成本估算等等。。Leangoo有在线个人版(免费没有任何限制)、在线企业版(SaaS模式)、私有部署版本。 2、Trello Trello 让您能开展更多的协作,完成更多的工作。Trello 看板、列表和卡片使你能够以一种有趣、灵活和有益的方式,组织你的项目并划分它们的优先顺序。无限灵活。使用超级方便。移动应用程序超棒。Trello 能够跟踪一切,大至图片,小至记录细节。 3、钉钉 钉钉,阿里巴巴出品

How does Trello access the user's clipboard?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-18 04:32:28
问题 When you hover over a card in Trello and press Ctrl + C , the URL of this card is copied to the clipboard. How do they do this? As far as I can tell, there is no Flash movie involved. I've got Flashblock installed, and the Firefox network tab shows no Flash movie loaded. (That's the usual method, for example, by ZeroClipboard.) How do they achieve this magic? (Right at this moment I think I had an epiphany: You cannot select text on the page, so I assume they have an invisible element, where

Trello API: vote on a card

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-17 01:54:44
问题 Is it possible to vote on a public card with Trello's REST API? The documentation is not very helpful: Thanks! 回答1: The route you're looking for is POST /1/cards/(card id or shortlink)/membersVoted. The only valid value for value is your own member id. In general, the best way to figure out things like this is to do the action in the web app, and watch the Network tab in your browser's dev tools to see

importing external javascript to google apps script

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-01-09 04:22:06
问题 I am trying to use Trello from a Google Spreadsheet (Google Docs) and am not sure how to import/reference/link the javascript files required to use their library. My only other option is using their REST API directly (fine, but I'd rather use their js helper classes). This is what Trello needs us to use: <script src=""></script> <script src=""</script> How would I import/include

Trello API learning through Postman

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-01-07 06:50:27
问题 Am learning the Trello API documentation through Postman. I have been following the documentation here And have authorized Server Token on the test account. Note: Keys where provided through However was trying to do this request, it always returns this response. Response HTTP Status : 401 Body/Content : invalid key Custom headers (x-trello-version) : 1.855.2 Request HTTP Method : GET URL :

What are the possible kinds of webhooks Trello can send? What attributes come in each?

可紊 提交于 2020-01-02 15:26:11
问题 I'm developing an app that is tightly integrated with Trello and uses Trello webhooks for a lot of things. However, I can't find anywhere in Trello's developer documentation what are the "actions" that may trigger a webhook and what data will come in each of these. In fact, in my experience, the data that comes with each webhook is kinda random. For example, while most webhooks contain the shortLink of the card which is being the target of some action, some do not, in a totally unpredictable


五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-30 10:13:00
全文共 4039 字,预计学习时长 12 分钟 图源:Unsplash 问:零基础,如何让人工智能和机器学习更简单,更容易上手呢? 秘诀就是找一家咖啡厅,要有美味的咖啡和充足的自然光。这样学习就变得简单啦。 小芯的朋友曾在Apple Store工作,但他想换一种生活,于是开始学习自己平时提供服务的这项技术——机器学习和人工智能。 但初学者有太多事情要做了,太多太多。 每周,Google或Facebook似乎都会推出一种新的人工智能服务以更好地提升用户体验。 他这里就不再说无人驾驶汽车了。它固然很好,不过他不喜欢开车,另一个觉得在路上也不安全。 尽管人工智能行业已经发展得热火朝天,但目前人们对于它的定义仍没有达成一致。 有人认为可以将深度学习视为人工智能,也有人认为,除非它通过图灵测试,否则就不能算是人工智能。 这在一开始就阻碍了他的学习,因为要学会有多种不同定义的东西真的很难。 真是受够了这么多定义。 如何入手? 图源:Unsplash 小芯的朋友准备一起创建一家网络公司,不过后来因怀疑其意义而中途放弃了。但在此过程中,他开始听到越来越多有关机器学习和人工智能的消息。 “电脑在为你学习?”真不敢相信。 偶然得知了Udacity的深度学习微学位。一个名叫Siraj Raval的角色出现在宣传视频中,这个人物形象十分有趣,宣传也极富有感染力。因此,尽管没有达到基本要求