
LL(1) parser generator in OCaml

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-01-04 05:43:11
问题 I'm looking for a LL(1) parser generator in OCaml... Can anybody help me with this? 回答1: Well, LALR parsers can parse a strict superset of the languages which can be parsed by LL parsers. So I would advise simply using ocamlyacc which ships with Ocaml and is an LALR(1) parser generator. This may require some minor rewriting of the grammar, but it shouldn't be too hard. 回答2: Planck LL(n) parser combinator library: It has started as my toy

Spritekit top down turning character movement

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-11 09:59:01
问题 I'm creating a top down 'racer' game if you will in Spritekit. However, I'm already stuck in creating the gameplay. You control a car from a top down view which is always driving at a constant speed. The player can press two buttons to turn the car left or right. The speed has to remain constant, but the zRotation of the car has to change. Changing the zRotation isn't the problem, but defining the new velocity of the car is. I'm currently working with Vectors, so say every time the player

Dynamic Programming - top-down vs bottom-up

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-11 03:03:15
问题 What I have learnt is that dynamic programming (DP) is of two kinds: top-down and bottom-up. In top-down , you use recursion along with memoization. In bottom-up , you just fill an array (a table). Also, both these methods use same time complexity. Personally, I find top-down approach more easier and natural to follow. Is it true that a given question of DP can be solved using either of the approaches? Or will I ever face a problem which can only be solved by one of the two methods? 回答1: Well

How to extend the background in LibGdx for top down game?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-08 13:31:19
问题 What is the proper way to extend the background in top down game? I used LibGdx framework. Any idea or tutorial for top down game.My background is in PNG format and screen of 720x1280 portrait.I had a problem in extending the background.I want the camera follow the character and the background will extend. How could I do that? Here is the Screen shot of Here is my code To display background I used this //background Background = new Texture(Gdx.files