
How to stream audio file with opentok?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-10 05:11:03
问题 In opentok, with OT.initPublisher, you only can pass a deviceId to the audioSource. Does someone know a method to stream an audio file ? For example, I have done this: navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: false}, function(stream) { var context = new AudioContext(); var microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream); var backgroundMusic = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("song")); var mixedOutput = context.createMediaStreamDestination(); microphone.connect

Determining if a remote subscriber is temporarily disconnected

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-01-28 11:08:53
问题 This is in the context of reconnection. As a moderator I want to know when a remote subscriber (a client subscriber of the stream that I publish) drops temporarily its connection. First, the subscriber events disconnect, reconnecting and reconnected are dispatched locally on the remote side, that is the guy that loses its connection. The publisher receives no events about the remote connection that gets lost. Second, I tried to use the 'signal' JS web jdk as well as the server jdk. The idea

Determining if a remote subscriber is temporarily disconnected

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-01-28 11:08:46
问题 This is in the context of reconnection. As a moderator I want to know when a remote subscriber (a client subscriber of the stream that I publish) drops temporarily its connection. First, the subscriber events disconnect, reconnecting and reconnected are dispatched locally on the remote side, that is the guy that loses its connection. The publisher receives no events about the remote connection that gets lost. Second, I tried to use the 'signal' JS web jdk as well as the server jdk. The idea

How to dial-in conference in nexmo?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-12-27 07:15:01
问题 I am using this repo: Bought nexmo virtual number and created new tokbox app.Set up all credentials. Changed only voicename and text in server.js. For local testing purposes I am using tunnel through ngrok, so in nexmo dashboard I've put my actual ngrok url for endpoints with ending eg. /nexmo-answer and /nexmo-events. When I start app and go to new room eg. room/2 I can see, my app is working, camera and microphone

How to dial-in conference in nexmo?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-12-27 07:14:12
问题 I am using this repo: Bought nexmo virtual number and created new tokbox app.Set up all credentials. Changed only voicename and text in server.js. For local testing purposes I am using tunnel through ngrok, so in nexmo dashboard I've put my actual ngrok url for endpoints with ending eg. /nexmo-answer and /nexmo-events. When I start app and go to new room eg. room/2 I can see, my app is working, camera and microphone

Tokbox failed to create session

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-02-23 06:39:47
问题 [Error: Failed to createSession. Error: An authentication error occurred: (403) {"code":-1,"message":"Expired token"}] I was able to create a session just fine on my localhost server, but when I put it in production - which has https - the error occurs. I am using tokbox with Meteor framework and wraping the function inside a method: const opentok = new OpenTok(Meteor.settings.public.opentok.apiKey, Meteor.settings.public.opentok.apiSecret); let createSessionSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(opentok

Tokbox failed to create session

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-02-23 06:39:07
问题 [Error: Failed to createSession. Error: An authentication error occurred: (403) {"code":-1,"message":"Expired token"}] I was able to create a session just fine on my localhost server, but when I put it in production - which has https - the error occurs. I am using tokbox with Meteor framework and wraping the function inside a method: const opentok = new OpenTok(Meteor.settings.public.opentok.apiKey, Meteor.settings.public.opentok.apiSecret); let createSessionSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(opentok

Tokbox failed to create session

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-02-23 06:39:05
问题 [Error: Failed to createSession. Error: An authentication error occurred: (403) {"code":-1,"message":"Expired token"}] I was able to create a session just fine on my localhost server, but when I put it in production - which has https - the error occurs. I am using tokbox with Meteor framework and wraping the function inside a method: const opentok = new OpenTok(Meteor.settings.public.opentok.apiKey, Meteor.settings.public.opentok.apiSecret); let createSessionSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(opentok