
Map won't show building numbers (tileMill + OSM)

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-30 07:55:10
问题 i'm using tileMill for creating offline map for my iPhone app, long story short - i've downloaded OSM data for Ukraine region from here. I've checked that online map(from link) is showing building numbers as you can see in picture: but after importing data, that i've download, to tile mill there's no building numbers: any idea why this is happening? Thanks! EDIT: I figure out how to set up house numbers label, but when i'm importing data to tilemill (with this tutorial) i can't find layer

Mapbox Studio 常见问题

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-19 17:28:01
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 之前借助 leaflet + qunee 实现了 地图拓扑图 ,同样使用leaflet的有个更专业的地图应用: Mapbox ,可以定制出简单、专业、漂亮的地图,在传统地图服务商(Google,Nokia, Apple ...)之外,有了更好的选择,Mapbox Studio是一款开源软件,使用了大量的web技术:Mapnik, node.js, backbone.js, leaflet, codemirror ...... 其客户端本身就是一个webapp + Chrome,跨平台,有良好的交互体验,值得前端开发者学习和参考 原文: https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-studio/common-questions/#how-is-mapbox-studio-related-to-tilemill 翻译: http://blog.qunee.com MAPBOX STUDIO 常见问题 什么是矢量瓦片? style项目与source项目的区别? 我是否能使用git管理项目? 我是否需要通过Mapbox账号来使用Mapbox? 我可以用pro fonts做或者不能做什么? Mapbox Studio 与 TileMill 的关系? Mapbox Studio 与 Mapbox GL

CartoCSS markers

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-13 04:19:40
问题 I want to put markers (circle) on my map render defined in cartocss tilemill. But on zoom levels 4-5-6 I have problem that render displays markers without city name, because there is no enough space for city name. Is there an option that forces to display both marker and city name or none of them? 回答1: Use shield instead of text + marker combo. Note that for text offset you would need to use shield-text-dx , not shield-dx . 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23406923/cartocss-markers

Image getting stretched when creating MBTiles using TileMills to use as an Image on Whirly Globe Framework

可紊 提交于 2019-12-11 19:23:12
问题 I am struck with issue . I want to use My personal Image as an image on whirly globe.I used a Jpeg file and changed into .tiff file and added to Tile Mills as a Layer (Following the rules specified in the crash course of tile mills).Now i am facing an issue while exporting the image as MbTiles . I looked into this Link for taking reference on what should be 'Dimensions' of the image to be used on whirly globe. Right now i have an image whose dimensions are 10184X7638. But this image is not