
Emacs recursive project search

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-11-28 16:50:32
问题 I am switching to Emacs from TextMate. One feature of TextMate that I would really like to have in Emacs is the "Find in Project" search box that uses fuzzy matching. Emacs sort of has this with ido, but ido does not search recursively through child directories. It searches only within one directory. Is there a way to give ido a root directory and to search everything under it? Update: The questions below pertain to find-file-in-project.el from Michał Marczyk's answer. If anything in this

Set TextMate as the default text editor on Mac OS X

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-11-28 16:19:24
How can I set TextMate as default text editor on Mac OS X? I've tried it with ln -s /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/mate ~/bin/mate export EDITOR='mate -w' but that doesn't work. Just right (or control) click a file of the type you want to change and: "Get Info" -> "Open with:" -> (Select TextMate) -> "Change All" KFunk The method through Finder is not practical. If you're a developer, your files likely include .profile, .gitconfig, .bashrc, .bash_profile, .htdocs, etc. The best way to do this is in Bash (for Sublime Text 3): defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSHandlers

Find out to which highlight-group a particular keyword/symbol belongs in vim

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-28 06:26:57
I am coming to Vim from TextMate, and I would like to customise my vim colorscheme. It would be really helpful if I could find out to which highlight-group(s) any particular word or symbol belongs. In TextMate, I would place the caret on the word/symbol in question, then hit ctrl-shift-p and a tool tip would appear saying something like: text.html.basic meta.tag.structure.any.html string.quoted.double.html From this information, it is really straightforward to edit a TextMate color theme to apply (or remove) formatting to the text in question. In Vim, if I want to change formatting for a

Using Python 3.1 with TextMate

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-28 03:51:02
TextMate seems to use the built-in Python version I assume (sys.path doesn't work). How do you configure it to use 3.1 instead? I've already installed the 3.1 package and I can use IDLE for interactive sessions, but I need to use TextMate now. Thanks TextMate uses the value of the TM_PYTHON variable to find the path to the Python interpreter. A good solution is to take advantage of TextMate's ability to define variables like TM_PYTHON on a per-project basis: Open a new or existing TextMate Project ( File -> New Project or File -> Open ) De-select any file in the project list sidebar. Click on

Setting Shortcut Keys in Textmate

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-11-27 15:16:52
问题 I am switching to textmate and there are a few things I want to change. I have tried Googling for the answer, but haven't found a simple explanation for how to rebind shortcuts globally. First, tab switching doesn't work with Cmd+Shift+{ and Cmd+Shift+} This works in nearly every other application (FF, Terminal, etc.) How do bind those keys to switch tabs? Second, I would like Ctrl+j/k/l/; to move the cursor, it it possible to rebind that command to the arrow keys? Thanks in advance. 回答1: Yes

class & function names highlighting in Vim

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-11-27 02:34:56
I just recently set up my Vim environment from Textmate, after becoming addicted to its modal input. However, syntax highlighting seems to be not so beautiful in Vim. I code in C++ and since the function call and class names can't be highlighted, the code is more difficult to read. I played with color scheme for a bit, but couldn't find any field that corresponded to "class name" or "function name". In the picture below, notice how DroughtLayer:: and *.size() is not highlighted on the right in MacVim. (source: ivzhao.com ) Any ideas how to solve this? It really annoys me as I am so much a

Find out to which highlight-group a particular keyword/symbol belongs in vim

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-27 01:20:28
问题 I am coming to Vim from TextMate, and I would like to customise my vim colorscheme. It would be really helpful if I could find out to which highlight-group(s) any particular word or symbol belongs. In TextMate, I would place the caret on the word/symbol in question, then hit ctrl-shift-p and a tool tip would appear saying something like: text.html.basic meta.tag.structure.any.html string.quoted.double.html From this information, it is really straightforward to edit a TextMate color theme to

class & function names highlighting in Vim

风格不统一 提交于 2019-11-26 12:34:52
问题 I just recently set up my Vim environment from Textmate, after becoming addicted to its modal input. However, syntax highlighting seems to be not so beautiful in Vim. I code in C++ and since the function call and class names can\'t be highlighted, the code is more difficult to read. I played with color scheme for a bit, but couldn\'t find any field that corresponded to \"class name\" or \"function name\". In the picture below, notice how DroughtLayer:: and *.size() is not highlighted on the