
VScode API why can't I get the current line?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-19 03:01:09
问题 I am using typescript to write a vs code extension and for some reason I am unable to get the current line. The function I am trying to make is: function makeFrame() { vscode.window.activeTextEditor.selection.active.line; } Which fails with error: Object is possibly undefined The import statement is: import {window, commands, Disposable, ExtensionContext, StatusBarAlignment, StatusBarItem, TextDocument} from 'vscode'; What am I doing wrong? (I am both new to TypeScript and writing extensions

Notepad++ replace two lines with other (10) lines in open documents

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-18 07:07:25
问题 I want to replace two lines with other lines in Notepad++. The main problem is that I am not able to copy all the lines which should be replaced. Only the first line is inserted in the "Replace with:" input field if I paste all lines in the field. It seems that the line break is not correctly copied. Selecting the lines (with the line break) which should be inserted in the "Find what:" field is quite easy because I can select them in the document and simply hit "CTRL + H". What to do? Please

Notepad++ replace two lines with other (10) lines in open documents

好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-18 07:06:38
问题 I want to replace two lines with other lines in Notepad++. The main problem is that I am not able to copy all the lines which should be replaced. Only the first line is inserted in the "Replace with:" input field if I paste all lines in the field. It seems that the line break is not correctly copied. Selecting the lines (with the line break) which should be inserted in the "Find what:" field is quite easy because I can select them in the document and simply hit "CTRL + H". What to do? Please

Notepad++ replace two lines with other (10) lines in open documents

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-18 07:06:15
问题 I want to replace two lines with other lines in Notepad++. The main problem is that I am not able to copy all the lines which should be replaced. Only the first line is inserted in the "Replace with:" input field if I paste all lines in the field. It seems that the line break is not correctly copied. Selecting the lines (with the line break) which should be inserted in the "Find what:" field is quite easy because I can select them in the document and simply hit "CTRL + H". What to do? Please

Vim save file in lower case

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-10 15:54:04
问题 I got a new laptop. And now when i save a file with vim, the file name replace by lowercase name. Any idea on how to solve this? FileName.vhd -> filename.vhd I don't have this issue with notepad++ Best Regards, 回答1: Since I cannot make a comment, I will make an answer instead. This same problem has been solved here: Vim overwrites filename when writing In short: put set backupcopy=yes in your vimrc, or type :set backupcopy=yes in Vim to only apply it in the current session. This will make

Deleting lines of code in a text editor

孤人 提交于 2021-02-08 12:16:45
问题 Edit: This question had been tagged "Tolstoy" in appreciation of the quality and length of my writing:) Just reading the first and the last paragraph should be enough:) If you tend to select and move code with the mouse, the stuff in middle could be interesting to you. This question is about how you use text editors in general. I’m looking for the best way to delete a plurality of lines of code (no intent to patent it:) This extends to transposing lines, i.e. deleting and adding them

Text Editor(Sublime Text, Geany, Notepad++ etc.) Regex to remove all parameters from URL string except one parameter-value

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-08 10:46:28
问题 I am not very familiar with advanced matching patterns in Regex. I have some Google Search URLs which I need to clean up without having to hold Backspace key for 5 seconds to remove unnecessary parameters from the URL. Let's say I have this URL(could many different URLs following patterns like below): https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Ne4pXpSIHIW_9QOD-rmADw&q=laravel+crud+generator&oq=laravel+crud+generator&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l8.1294.6845..7289...1.0..0.307.3888.0j20j2j1......0....1.

Which text editors handle both Windows- and Unix-style line breaks properly?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-07 05:20:52
问题 Which text editors (free or commercial) handle character encoding and Windows/Unix line breaks properly? 回答1: Here's a list of Text editors and their newline support. Also see this list and look at the Newline conversion field 回答2: I should think the vast majority do. Certainly Vim and Emacs will. 回答3: Notepad++ is free and handles this dandily. Not to mention it's quite handy for plenty of other text-editing tasks. 回答4: textpad does a good job. i like version 4.7 it is much nicer than 5.*

How to include html tags in text editor? [Snippet attached]

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-04 06:30:51
问题 I am making text editor using, react-draft-wysiwyg and draftjs-to-html .. And also I have injected the dynamic html into editor like, index.js: export default function App() { const dynamicData = `<div class="heading"> This text needs to display along with the <span> html tags </span> surrounded </div>`; const handleInputChange = (e) => { console.log("event ", e.target.value); }; return ( <> <ContentEditor name="dynamicContent" value={dynamicData} onChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event)

How to include html tags in text editor? [Snippet attached]

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-04 06:29:06
问题 I am making text editor using, react-draft-wysiwyg and draftjs-to-html .. And also I have injected the dynamic html into editor like, index.js: export default function App() { const dynamicData = `<div class="heading"> This text needs to display along with the <span> html tags </span> surrounded </div>`; const handleInputChange = (e) => { console.log("event ", e.target.value); }; return ( <> <ContentEditor name="dynamicContent" value={dynamicData} onChange={(event) => handleInputChange(event)