
RobotFramework: Maximum limit of started keywords exceeded

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-18 19:22:13
问题 I'm new to RobotFramework and I'm trying to do a simple test. Print an "Hello world" using Log keyword and get a value from a java class (I'm using jybot on Ride): *** Settings *** Library robot.MyTest *** Test Cases *** Test1 Log Hello World INFO Get Value *** Keywords *** Get Value Get Value But when I run it, the test won't pass and it will give me this error: Starting test: MyTest.Test1 20140817 01:00:15.683 : INFO : Hello world 20140817 01:00:15.798 : FAIL : Maximum limit of started

Laravel Model Factory without connection to database

感情迁移 提交于 2021-02-18 10:12:23
问题 I would like to use Laravel's Model Factory in some PHPUnit tests. The only thing I want to do is make a Model instance without saving it to database. Why the Model Factory needs connection to database? These tests must pass on CI environment without configured database. When I create Model manually by new App\Model($dataArray) , tests pass and the connection is not needed. I am using Model Factory in other places, so I would like to reuse it in that tests, to avoid code duplication. I am

Laravel Model Factory without connection to database

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-18 10:10:34
问题 I would like to use Laravel's Model Factory in some PHPUnit tests. The only thing I want to do is make a Model instance without saving it to database. Why the Model Factory needs connection to database? These tests must pass on CI environment without configured database. When I create Model manually by new App\Model($dataArray) , tests pass and the connection is not needed. I am using Model Factory in other places, so I would like to reuse it in that tests, to avoid code duplication. I am

pytest: How to get a list of all failed tests at the end of the session? (and while using xdist)

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-18 08:59:27
问题 I would like to have a list of all the tests that have failed to be used at the end of session . Pytest lets you define a hook pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus) , that is called at the end of the session, where I wish to have that list. session is a _pytest.main.Session instance that has the attribute items (type list ), but I couldn't find whether the each item in that list passed of failed. How can a list of all failed tests could be retrieved at the end of the session? How can it

Cypress testing pseudo CSS class :before

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-18 05:48:45
问题 Is there a way in which I can test the content of the pseudo CSS class for :before on my element with Cypress? I have seen links documenting: Accessing nth-child pseudo element Accessing the actual content pseudo class of a normal CSS class But I have not found anything for CSS classes using the ::before pseudo class. Imagine the code: .myClass:before { content: "foo-"; } <div> <span class="myClass">Bar</span> </div> How could one test that 'foo-' is present? 回答1: There's a way to assert on

how do you test that Rails mailer credentials are valid?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-02-17 19:46:29
问题 I've got a mailer sending through a GMail account, and I want to test that ActionMailer can actually log in to GMail's SMTP server with the credentials I've given it. What's the best way to test this? 回答1: It's not a full-stack solution, but you can check that the server authentication happens correctly by using Net::SMTP directly. The Mail gem that Rails 3 uses to send ActionMailer emails uses Mail like so (with your ActionMailer.smtp_settings): #line 96 of mail-2.2.7/lib/mail/network

How to test a React component with RouteComponentProps?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-17 18:46:46
问题 I have a component that has props which extend RouteComponentProps that looks like this: export interface RouteComponentProps<P> { match: match<P>; location: H.Location; history: H.History; staticContext?: any; } Now, when I use my component in the app, I pass these props to it: <MyComponent match={this.props.match} location={this.props.location} history={this.props.history} /> The props are available already because it's running inside react router. Now, how do I test this component without

How to test a React component with RouteComponentProps?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-17 18:44:07
问题 I have a component that has props which extend RouteComponentProps that looks like this: export interface RouteComponentProps<P> { match: match<P>; location: H.Location; history: H.History; staticContext?: any; } Now, when I use my component in the app, I pass these props to it: <MyComponent match={this.props.match} location={this.props.location} history={this.props.history} /> The props are available already because it's running inside react router. Now, how do I test this component without

How to test a React component with RouteComponentProps?

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-02-17 18:43:55
问题 I have a component that has props which extend RouteComponentProps that looks like this: export interface RouteComponentProps<P> { match: match<P>; location: H.Location; history: H.History; staticContext?: any; } Now, when I use my component in the app, I pass these props to it: <MyComponent match={this.props.match} location={this.props.location} history={this.props.history} /> The props are available already because it's running inside react router. Now, how do I test this component without

The pImpl idiom and Testability

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-17 08:58:00
问题 The pImpl idiom in c++ aims to hide the implementation details (=private members) of a class from the users of that class. However it also hides some of the dependencies of that class which is usually regarded bad from a testing point of view. For example if class A hides its implementation details in Class AImpl which is only accessible from A.cpp and AImpl depends on a lot of other classes, it becomes very difficult to unit test class A since the testing framework has no access to the