

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-16 08:42:19
一.soundtouch soundtouch是一个用C++编写的开源的音频处理库,可以改变音频文件或实时音频流的节拍(Tempo)、音调(Pitch)、速率(Rate)。ST的3个效果互相独立,也可以一起使用。这些效果通过采样率转换、时域压拓结合实现。 Tempo:通过时域压拓算法WSOLA,改变声音的播放速率而不影响音调,即变速不变调。 Pitch:变调不变速时。 Rate:变调也变速。 主要特性 跨平台:支持Windows、Mac OS、Linux、Android、Apple iOS等。 完全开源:ST库与示例工程完全开源可下载。 容易使用:编程接口使用单一的C++类。 支持16位整型或32位浮点型的单声道、立体声、多通道的音频格式。 可实现实时音频流处理,输入/输出延迟约为100ms。 关于soundtouch源码结构简析可参考: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/266868420 关于WSOLA算法可参考: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/110278983 二.Tempo soundtouch多用于本地文件的变速播放,这里为何要用呢?上篇文章提到过,当网络不稳定时,会出现时而无包可收,时而收取到大量包的情况,而读取本地文件不会存在这样的问题。我测试用的荧石摄像头,wifi连接到家里的百兆宽度,也会出现上面所述的问题

Atlassian In Action-Jira之核心配置(二)

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-01-06 03:12:55
道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。 --《道德经》 如果说第一节的指导思想是 管理之“道“ ,那我们本节的核心配置就是**Jira系统之”道“**了。有了核心配置,才有后续的各种管理方法的实施可能。 本节的核心配置包括下面几点: 项目 用户组 问题类型 字段配置 工作流 项目(Project) 项目的主要用途是作为数据的隔离。但实际上项目做到的数据隔离还是通过逻辑隔离,根本来讲还都是存储在同一张表中的数据。 上图拆分出了三个项目,分别用于产研中心,支持中心(外部),管理中心(高层) 为了达到数据隔离的目的,需要配置的就是 配置了权限的用户才能访问指定的项目 下面还有针对问题、评论等权限设置,细化到操作比如:分配问题、关闭问题、创建问题、删除问题等。 用户组(UserGroup) 这里主要讲的还是组的部分,我理解的用户组的用法主要还是行政组织架构+角色职能多级组合。你也可以根据你希望管理的维度设置多级用户组。 Jira原本实际上并没有多级概念,所以我的实现方式实际上就是“ 前缀法 ”,上图: 第一级:org代表是一个组织架构,还有其他如:jira(jira系统角色)、auth(权限角色) 第二级:pd代表行政架构,大部门或者中心:product&develop 第三级:代表角色或者职能,比如:leader(管理岗),coder(编码人员),前端(frontside),后端

Audio Pitch and Tempo modification

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-20 04:04:16
问题 I need to modify pitch or tempo of an audio, but need to do them separately. Is there any example in Android for that or any library which provides support for Android. I want to avoid using NDK/JNI for this, since I am not that good into it. I have already seen Many libraries, although they have a nice tutorial, but I am unable to import them to Eclipse Android project. Help is appreciated :-) 回答1: you could try Tarsos ! Here some cool demo links from Tarsos: http://0110.be/posts/Phase

How to get BPM and tempo audio features in Python [closed]

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-18 12:16:45
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed last year . I am involved in a project which requires me to extract song features like beats per minute (BPM), tempo, etc. However, I have not found a suitable Python library that can accurately detect these features. Does anyone have any advice? (In Matlab, I do know of a project called Mirtoolbox, which can give the BPM and

Need Android equivalent of AudioInputStream

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-07 06:33:24
问题 I'm trying to write an Android app that analyzes content from the user's music library. Let's assume that these are mp3 files on the SD drive, for starters. I'm able to find Java algorithms to analyze music files, but I can't find an API to read and decode the files (not play them. There's an API to play the files, and even classes for audio effects, but I don't see any way for an app to get to the decoded data from a music file. I can read from microphone. J2SE has a class AudoInputStream

Need Android equivalent of AudioInputStream

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-05 11:37:29
I'm trying to write an Android app that analyzes content from the user's music library. Let's assume that these are mp3 files on the SD drive, for starters. I'm able to find Java algorithms to analyze music files, but I can't find an API to read and decode the files (not play them. There's an API to play the files, and even classes for audio effects, but I don't see any way for an app to get to the decoded data from a music file. I can read from microphone. J2SE has a class AudoInputStream,but it's not part of Android. Any suggestions? My real purpose was to be able to look at the files in my

Audio Pitch and Tempo modification

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-02 05:39:04
I need to modify pitch or tempo of an audio, but need to do them separately. Is there any example in Android for that or any library which provides support for Android. I want to avoid using NDK/JNI for this, since I am not that good into it. I have already seen Many libraries, although they have a nice tutorial, but I am unable to import them to Eclipse Android project. Help is appreciated :-) you could try Tarsos ! Here some cool demo links from Tarsos: http://0110.be/posts/Phase_Vocoding%3A_Time_Stretching_and_Pitch_Shifting_with_TarsosDSP_Java http://0110.be/posts/Pitch_Shifting_-