Tarjan 【整理】
Tarjan 【整理】 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class FastIO{ /* copyright (c) dgklr 2019. All rights reserved. */ bool if_debug = 0; char st[70]; // stack int pl; #ifdef linux #define putc(x) putchar_unlocked(x) #define getc() getchar_unlocked() #else #define putc(x) putchar(x) #define getc() getchar() #endif #define endl '\n' // I don't have the authority to get this. public: FastIO operator << (long long x){ pl = 0; if (x == 0) putc('0'); if (x < 0) putc('-'); while (x != 0) st[++pl] = x % 10 + 48, x /= 10; while (pl != 0) putc(st[pl]), pl --; return (*this); } FastIO operator <<