
How to use SyntaxNet output to operate an executive command ,for example save a file in a folder, on Linux system

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-29 07:17:12
问题 having downloaded and trained SyntaxNet, I am trying to write a program that can open new/existed files, for example AutoCAD files, and save the files in an specific directory by analyzing the text: open LibreOffice file X . considering the output of SyntaxNet as: echo "save AUTOCAD file X in directory Y" | ./ > output.txt Input: save AUTOCAD file X in directory Y Parse: save VB ROOT +-- X NNP dobj | +-- file NN compound | +-- AUTOCAD CD nummod +-- directory NN nmod +-- in IN case +--

training SyntaxNet from (ImportError: cannot import name tf_logging)

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-13 05:50:36
问题 I am new to python and SyntaxNet and I am trying to train SyntaxNet from SyntaxNet Tutorial. To trained the model I updated based on The Tutorial. and ran it as follow: ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/models/syntaxnet$ syntaxnet/ It gave me this error: syntaxnet/ line 36: /home/ubuntu/models/syntaxnet/syntaxnet/parser_trainer: No such file or directory Then I updated "$BINDIR/parser_trainer" \ in line 35 of

Named Entity Recognition with Syntaxnet

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-07 03:47:49
问题 I am trying to understand and learn SyntaxNet. I am trying to figure out whether is there any way to use SyntaxNet for Name Entity Recognition of a corpus. Any sample code or helpful links would be appreciated. 回答1: While Syntaxnet does not explicitly offer any Named Entity Recognition functionality, Parsey McParseface does part of speech tagging and produces the output as a Co-NLL table. Any proper noun is tagged as NNP and I have found that a simple regex identifier like so: <NNP>+ i.e. one

Annotating a Corpus (Syntaxnet)

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-11-30 21:04:41
I downloaded and installed SyntaxNet following Syntax official documentation on Github . following the documentation (annotating corpus) I tried to read a .conll file named wj.conll by SyntaxNet and write the results in wj-tagged.conll but I could not. My questions are: does SyntaxNet always reads .conll files? (not .txt files?). I got a bit confused as I knew SyntaxNet reads .conll file for training and testing process but I am a bit suspicious that it is necessary to convert a .txt file to .conll file in order to have their Part Of Speach and Dependancy Parsing. How can I make SyntaxNet

Annotating a Corpus (Syntaxnet)

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-30 05:44:27
问题 I downloaded and installed SyntaxNet following Syntax official documentation on Github. following the documentation (annotating corpus) I tried to read a .conll file named wj.conll by SyntaxNet and write the results in wj-tagged.conll but I could not. My questions are: does SyntaxNet always reads .conll files? (not .txt files?). I got a bit confused as I knew SyntaxNet reads .conll file for training and testing process but I am a bit suspicious that it is necessary to convert a .txt file to

How to use SyntaxNet output to operate an executive command ,for example save a file in a folder, on Linux system

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-11-29 08:46:55
having downloaded and trained SyntaxNet , I am trying to write a program that can open new/existed files, for example AutoCAD files, and save the files in an specific directory by analyzing the text: open LibreOffice file X . considering the output of SyntaxNet as: echo "save AUTOCAD file X in directory Y" | ./ > output.txt Input: save AUTOCAD file X in directory Y Parse: save VB ROOT +-- X NNP dobj | +-- file NN compound | +-- AUTOCAD CD nummod +-- directory NN nmod +-- in IN case +-- Y CD nummod First I thought about changing the parsed text to XML format then parse the XML file with

How to Get Dependency Parse Output from SyntaxNet

前提是你 提交于 2019-11-28 21:39:22
How do you get a dependency parse (not syntax tree) output from SyntaxNet ( ) ? I see a description of dependency parsing...a description of how to train a model, but not how to get dependency parse output. Does SyntaxNet (Specifically the Parsey McParseface model) even do dependency parsing out of the box? Passing --arg_prefix brain_parser to the should do the trick. But this requires the tagged output to be fed as input. Here's an example where the first pass tags the words and the second pass resolves dependencies:

How to Get Dependency Parse Output from SyntaxNet

北战南征 提交于 2019-11-27 14:02:14
问题 How do you get a dependency parse (not syntax tree) output from SyntaxNet ( ? I see a description of dependency parsing...a description of how to train a model, but not how to get dependency parse output. Does SyntaxNet (Specifically the Parsey McParseface model) even do dependency parsing out of the box? 回答1: Passing --arg_prefix brain_parser to the should do the trick. But this requires the tagged output to be fed as