
Why SublimeREPL won't import a Python module or read a file in CWD?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-11-29 17:33:18
I'm using Sublime Text 3 build 3126 on Ubuntu Zesty with the SublimeREPL plugin. I open a Python REPL with CTRL+SHIFT+P >> SublimeREPL: Python and send a file to REPL with CTRL+, , F and evertyhing works as long as I work on a single Python script file. As soon as I try to move some parts of my code to another module and import it in the main file, I get the nasty ImportError: No module named error. Trying to open a text file located in the same directory with:'filename', encoding='utf-8') results in: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'filename' Did you investigate

How to configure SublimeREPL for mit-scheme?

风格不统一 提交于 2019-11-29 08:38:24
I have installed SublimeREPL, and now I am trying to customize the interpreters a bit. How can I add MIT Scheme to the Tools->SublimeREPL menu? I am new to Sublime Text 2. You can read documentation about configuring additional REPLs here: And take a look at existing Scheme configuration here: Most Scheme/Lisp dialects are quite easy to configure, you should have no problems whatsoever. Please allow me to share my

Re-use tab when running python code with SublimeREPL

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-29 01:21:48
问题 In this question How to Run Python Code on SublimeREPL, an answer is given on how to use the usual Ctrl+b shortcut to run a python code using SublimeREPL within SublimeText. The steps are simple: 1- Create a new empty file and paste into it the commands: { "target": "run_existing_window_command", "id": "repl_python_run", "file": "config/Python/Main.sublime-menu" } 2- Save the file as: /home/USER/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/SublimeREPL-python.sublime-build 3- Go to your Python file

Running Python interactively from within Sublime Text 2

别来无恙 提交于 2019-11-27 19:30:29
I have looked at all the answers on this forum but I'm missing something. I want to be able to hit Cmd + B while editing a Python file "" in Sublime Text 2. This should open up a Python shell that loads my file and returns me to the interactive prompt so the namespace in my Python script is available. Setting the -i option in the build setting still closes the interpreter (see below) > 81 > >>> [Finished in 0.1s] I downloaded sublimeREPL but I'm not sure how to set the -i option. Any help is appreciated user1936097 ok, thanks to sneawo for the hints! Here's my first cut at doing this.

How to Run Python Code on SublimeREPL

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-11-27 06:08:52
I really like using sublime text 2 to write Python codes, however any time I try to run a script which has an input, the sublime text console reports an error. So, I decided to try SublimeREPL , however I've been searching for hours and I didn't find out how to run Python code... could you guys help me? I want to run the code on SublimeREPL as we do with the sublime text console ( CTRL+b ).. what I actually want to know is whether or not there's a way to do the same with SublimeREPL . Thank you in advance! First " Install Package Control " from

How to Run Python Code on SublimeREPL

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-11-26 17:56:28
问题 I really like using sublime text 2 to write Python codes, however any time I try to run a script which has an input, the sublime text console reports an error. So, I decided to try SublimeREPL , however I've been searching for hours and I didn't find out how to run Python code... could you guys help me? I want to run the code on SublimeREPL as we do with the sublime text console ( CTRL+b ).. what I actually want to know is whether or not there's a way to do the same with SublimeREPL . Thank