
How to read input of unknown length using fgets

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-28 05:20:47
问题 How am I supposed to read long input using fgets() , I don't quite get it. I wrote this #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char buffer[10]; char *input; while (fgets(buffer,10,stdin)){ input = malloc(strlen(buffer)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(input,buffer); } printf("%s [%d]",input, (int)strlen(input)); free(input); return 0; } 回答1: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { char buffer[10]; char *input = 0; size_t cur_len = 0;

VBScript Coding Challenge: Sort Array by String Length after Split Command

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-19 06:22:08
问题 I am a C student in VBScript coding and need a little help. My code executes a split command as follows: outputArray = split(Description," ") With the individual words from Description now in an array, I want to sort the array based on the string length for each word. So, for example, if Description is equal to "this is an example of a description" then my array values are [this, is, an, example, of, a, description], right? But I want to resort the array so that the longest words are first, i

VBScript Coding Challenge: Sort Array by String Length after Split Command

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-19 06:21:53
问题 I am a C student in VBScript coding and need a little help. My code executes a split command as follows: outputArray = split(Description," ") With the individual words from Description now in an array, I want to sort the array based on the string length for each word. So, for example, if Description is equal to "this is an example of a description" then my array values are [this, is, an, example, of, a, description], right? But I want to resort the array so that the longest words are first, i

count string length including 'invisible characters' like \r \n in javascript and php

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-06 01:29:49
问题 I am trying to display a "x characters left" text next to a textarea, to see how much still can be written, with javascript / jquery: var area = 'textarea#zoomcomment'; var c = $(area).val().length; Then the input is validated with laravel's max validation. 'comment' => 'required|max:3000' The javascript does not count the \n or \r characters, but PHP/laravel does. Is there a javascript function to count everything , including linebreaks etc ? I'd like to have the same string length with js

String encoding - German umlaut

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-05 04:03:50
问题 Using C#, Framework 4.0, I'm facing a tricky problem with the german language. Considering this snippet : string l_stest = "ZÄHLWERKE"; Console.WriteLine(l_stest.Length); // 9 Console.WriteLine(toto.LengthInTextElements); // 9 Console.ReadLine(); The result will be 9 ; Now, selecting the text withing Notepad++ , it will give me a length of 10 . I'm guessing the encoding is the source of my problem but without having to scan my words and replace the Umlauts by the matching two letters ( Ä ->

Runtime complexity of getting the length of a string in different representations

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-01 19:26:13
问题 In Swift 2, given a string s , what's the runtime complexity of these statements: s.characters.count s.endIndex s.utf8.count s.utf16.count s.unicodeScalars.count Also, if I know a string contains alphabets only, what's the most efficient way of getting the n-th character? 回答1: OK, I'm trying to answer my own question. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. s.characters.count // O(N) s.endIndex // O(1) s.utf8.count // O(N) s.utf16.count // O(N) s.unicodeScalars.count // O(N) Apple's

Split string by length in Golang

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-01 08:28:09
问题 Does anyone know how to split a string in Golang by length? For example to split "helloworld" after every 3 characters, so it should ideally return an array of "hel" "low" "orl" "d"? Alternatively a possible solution would be to also append a newline after every 3 characters.. All ideas are greatly appreciated! 回答1: Make sure to convert your string into a slice of rune: see "Slice string into letters". for automatically converts string to rune so there is no additional code needed in this

predict len of an sprintf( )'ed line?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-30 11:19:05
问题 Is there a function around somewhere that I can use to predict the space that sprintf( ) will need? IOW, can I call a function size_t predict_space( "%s\n", some_string ) that will return the length of the C-string that will result from sprintf( "%s\n", some_string )? 回答1: In C99 snprintf (note: Windows and SUSv2, do not provide an implementation of snprintf (or _snprintf) conforming to the Standard) : The snprintf function Synopsis [#1] #include <stdio.h> int snprintf(char *

use length function in substring in spark

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-30 06:22:12
问题 I am trying to use the length function inside a substring function in a DataFrame but it gives error val substrDF = testDF.withColumn("newcol", substring($"col", 1, length($"col")-1)) below is the error error: type mismatch; found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column required: Int I am using 2.1. 回答1: Function "expr" can be used: val data = List("first", "second", "third") val df = sparkContext.parallelize(data).toDF("value") val result = df.withColumn("cutted", expr("substring(value, 1, length

Make number of matches required directly corresponds with char_length of column

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-25 06:37:53
问题 I have a working SELECT statement. However, I would like to add something to it. I would like to make it so that the number of matches required, directly corresponds with the char_length of the column 'input'. So, for example: if (char_length(input) <= 5) { matches required is 1 } if (char_length(input) > 5 && char_length(input) <= 10) { matches required is 2 } if (char_length(input) > 10 && char_length(input) <= 15) { matches required is 3 } and ect... How do I add ^^^that to the SELECT