
How to get previous url in react gatsby

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-01 22:21:06
问题 I am pretty much familiar with the React.js but new to Gatsby . I want to detect the previous page URL in Gatsby ? 回答1: You can pass down state using the Link component: import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'gatsby'; const PrevPage = () => ( <div> <Link to={`/nextpage`} state={{ prevPath: location.pathname }} > Next Page </Link> </div> ) const NextPage = (props) => ( <div> <p>previous path is: {props.location.state.prevPath}</p> </div> ); Then you have access to prevPath from this

How to make all posts have a permalink with custom format “”?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-11-29 03:05:48
What I'm trying to do is get all my posts to have the following format: However, in my _posts folder I have a file named 2010-07-11-hello.markdown and it contains the following: --- title: Hello permalink: /blog/:title/ --- Hello World! What am I doing wrong? The permalinks aren't being converted. For example, the URL looks like this: http://localhost:4000/blog/:title/ and I want the actual title to show up there. Marcin Białoń You should move the permalink setting into the _config.yml file as described at 来源: https://stackoverflow

How to make all posts have a permalink with custom format “”?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-27 17:21:31
问题 What I'm trying to do is get all my posts to have the following format: However, in my _posts folder I have a file named 2010-07-11-hello.markdown and it contains the following: --- title: Hello permalink: /blog/:title/ --- Hello World! What am I doing wrong? The permalinks aren't being converted. For example, the URL looks like this: http://localhost:4000/blog/:title/ and I want the actual title to show up there. 回答1: You should move the permalink setting into the