
Unable to generate anything with Jekyll

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-24 01:01:46
问题 When I run Jekyll it does not generate anything. The output I see: Configuration from /home/mbsheikh/techtraits/techtraits-blog/_config.yml Auto-regenerating enabled: /home/mbsheikh/techtraits/techtraits-blog -> /home/mbsheikh/techtraits/techtraits-blog/_site [2012-06-15 23:23:03] regeneration: 118 files changed The _site directory is empty. Is there a way to debug Jekyll? I changed a couple of files and still don't see anything in _site . 回答1: Set auto=false in the _config.yml , then run

Netlify: How do you deploy sites that are nested in a folder?

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-22 08:59:44
问题 I have a repo that has the backend and frontend (create-react-app) in two separate folders. For the build command, I have something like cd frontend && npm run build and for the publish directory, I have something like frontend/build , but this is not working. 回答1: disclaimer: I work for Netlify. If you were to clone a new copy (no node modules installed in the project, for instance) of your project on a fresh laptop with nothing else except node and npm installed there, how would you build

How to link your own articles on a Pelican blog?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-22 04:43:19
问题 I tried to link with the html file name, but it works because they are on the same folder. [Title](./this-is-the-file.html) But it is possible that another article would appear on another folder because of the ARTICLE_URL pattern. Examples: [Title 1](/2014/02/article1.html) [Title 2](/2014/01/25/article2.html) Is it possible to link your own articles with a reference to the slug ? Any other better solution than the generated HTML file name ? 回答1: As noted in the documentation, you can link to

A static blog generator with multiple image directories

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-12 03:45:53
问题 Question : what software should I use to achieve a static site generator like described below? I'm looking for a static blog generator, which... generates static blogs, of course :). However I need something more, like a nice set of themes to choose from, and, what is even more important, a specific way of managing assets. When I write articles/posts/text, I create a new directory. Then inside I have a file like , or article.textile . I also have files with code, and pictures, and

How to use helpers in Hexo source files?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-11 14:00:25
问题 I have an about page called source/about/index.ejs . In this page, I'd like to use the image_tag() helper within ejs tags, and other helper functions. However, if I do, I get the error image_tag is not defined , and the same for any other helper function. I assume this means helpers are not loaded when rendering files in the source , only in the theme directory. It also seems that I can't put this type of page in the them directory and have it render with a template. Is there a way I can use

What's the root of a Hakyll site?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-10 13:30:08
问题 I see the create function takes a list of Identifiers. ghci λ> :t create create :: [Identifier] -> Rules () -> Rules () What list of identifier should I use to match the root of the site? Eg, I just want to make a single html page that appears on "" without "/posts" or "/archives" or any other domain parts. I've tried a few: create "/" $ do route idRoute compile $ pandocCompiler >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" defaultContext >>= relativizeUrls and create "/*"

Proper app.yaml handlers configuration for Google App Engine for a static html website

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-06 12:54:05
问题 Here is the file structure of my website: public │ 404.html │ app.yaml │ index.html │ index.xml │ │ sitemap.xml │ | ├───categories │ index.html │ index.xml ├───css │ styles.css ├───home │ index.html ├───js │ scripts.js ├───prerequisites │ index.html ├───scripts │ │ index.html │ │ index.xml │ │ │ ├───page │ │ └───1 │ │ index.html │ │ │ └───sof2018 │ index.html ├───tags │ index.html │ index.xml └───usage index.html Basically I need to ensure the following: if any folder

How to display a leaflet map in a single post in jekyll?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-06 12:30:06
问题 I'm trying to insert a map in a single post in Jekyll. Here is the visible effort of my attempt to this: github link Here is the link to the github's account itself: link I took a default template, ie Hyde. Then I added the Leaflet's CSS and JS files in the _includes/head.html Then I created a post that relied on the _layouts/default.html (default draws from head.html) As I said, I'm attempting to insert a single map in a single post. If you look at the first link, it shows the map all over

How to link your own articles on a Pelican blog?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-05 04:48:39
I tried to link with the html file name, but it works because they are on the same folder. [Title](./this-is-the-file.html) But it is possible that another article would appear on another folder because of the ARTICLE_URL pattern. Examples: [Title 1](/2014/02/article1.html) [Title 2](/2014/01/25/article2.html) Is it possible to link your own articles with a reference to the slug ? Any other better solution than the generated HTML file name ? Justin Mayer As noted in the documentation , you can link to other source content files via: [a link relative to content root]({filename}/this-is-the

Start an apache server in any directory from command line

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-03 05:40:45
问题 I want to be able to start an apache server from the command line, typing something like apache site-folder or apache . --port=2000 This should read and use .htaccess files. I know about python -m SimpleHTTPServer and it's close to what I need, but not quite. Ideal solutions: Contributing a great command line interface to apache itself Writing a simple command line tool that wraps/contains apache (or something) Linking to docs on an existing cli for apache I just want to type command