
Ensuring one Job Per Node on StarCluster / SunGridEngine (SGE)

可紊 提交于 2021-02-09 02:57:51
问题 When qsub ing jobs on a StarCluster / SGE cluster, is there an easy way to ensure that each node receives at most one job at a time? I am having issues where multiple jobs end up on the same node leading to out of memory (OOM) issues. I tried using -l cpu=8 but I think that does not check the number of USED cores just the number of cores on the box itself. I also tried -l slots=8 but then I get: Unable to run job: "job" denied: use parallel environments instead of requesting slots explicitly.

Ensuring one Job Per Node on StarCluster / SunGridEngine (SGE)

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-09 02:49:00
问题 When qsub ing jobs on a StarCluster / SGE cluster, is there an easy way to ensure that each node receives at most one job at a time? I am having issues where multiple jobs end up on the same node leading to out of memory (OOM) issues. I tried using -l cpu=8 but I think that does not check the number of USED cores just the number of cores on the box itself. I also tried -l slots=8 but then I get: Unable to run job: "job" denied: use parallel environments instead of requesting slots explicitly.

Ensuring one Job Per Node on StarCluster / SunGridEngine (SGE)

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-09 02:48:00
问题 When qsub ing jobs on a StarCluster / SGE cluster, is there an easy way to ensure that each node receives at most one job at a time? I am having issues where multiple jobs end up on the same node leading to out of memory (OOM) issues. I tried using -l cpu=8 but I think that does not check the number of USED cores just the number of cores on the box itself. I also tried -l slots=8 but then I get: Unable to run job: "job" denied: use parallel environments instead of requesting slots explicitly.

Using snow (and snowfall) with AWS for parallel processing in R

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-31 10:48:49
问题 In relation to my earlier similar SO question , I tried using snow/snowfall on AWS for parallel computing. What I did was: In the sfInit() function, I provided the public DNS to socketHosts parameter like so sfInit(parallel=TRUE,socketHosts =list("")) The error returned was Permission denied (publickey) I then followed the instructions (I presume correctly!) on in the 'Passwordless Secure Shell (SSH) login'

How to run StarCluster with AWS IAM Role

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-12 10:55:26
问题 How can I modify StarCluster config or code to include IAM Role? So that when I do this: starcluster start mycluster The IAM Role can be automatically activated in EC2 instances (master and nodes). I did try to look around but of no avail info. 回答1: Starcluster does not support this out the box. The automated solution would be to write a plugin (I couldn't find any) in python that uses the boto AWS library to add IAM roles to instances. If automation isn't required, then the good news is that