
Chart.js stacked bar ordering depending on value

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-10 14:53:21
问题 I have a stacked bar but I want to order the bars based on the summed value of my two datasets. Does any one have any idea how to do this using chart.js functionality? See here data: { labels: stores, datasets: [ { label: 'Rev', data: dataPack1, backgroundColor: "rgba(55, 160, 225, 0.7)", hoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(55, 160, 225, 0.7)", hoverBorderWidth: 2, hoverBorderColor: 'lightgrey' }, { label: 'Tax1', data: dataPack2, backgroundColor: "rgba(225, 58, 55, 0.7)", hoverBackgroundColor: "rgba

Spotfire - Show top values in stacked bar chart

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-06-01 05:52:02
问题 I have a stacked bar chart that looks like this : I would like to only show the top 3 bars in terms of value, that is to say the three first bars. I tried to use the Show/Hide feature but it doesn't work as I expected. For example if I limit to Show top 1 value with the Show/Hide value, i get : when I expect to also have the orange and blue bars that are stacked in the first picture. Is there a way to do what I am looking for? 回答1: You will have to achieve a dynamic rank and use that to

SSRS: Range Bar Chart not displaying repeated status based on Date Range

心已入冬 提交于 2020-01-25 07:34:06
问题 I have a query that gives me the daily status of an item based on desired date range (parameters). This status will vary and can repeat. For example, it can chronologically be: Operational, Repair, Inspection, Operational, Inspection. As you can see Operational & Inspection are represented twice but at different times. While this is true, I cannot seem to get this represented graphically in a Range Bar Chart because it will only display one instance of each status (as shown in the picture).

How to remove gaps in stacked bar

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-10 05:48:06
问题 I'm trying to make gantt chart in C#, I'm using StackedBar chart type. The goal of this chart is to show, how "tasks" can be schedule on number of "machines". In my algorithm there shouldn't be free spaces between "tasks" on chart. Each "task" is added as new series. On first bar it's working like it should be, but in others "task" starts after ending on the previous bar. I need help with removing these gaps. Some task need to be divided on two machines, and when I do it, then this task is

Use D3.js layout.stack() to make a normalized stacked bar chart

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-04 14:31:06
问题 I have something similar to: Normalized Stacked Bar Chart Is it possible / appropriate to instead of calculating the upper Y and lower Y of each layer to use the d3.layout.stack() feature instead? I'm unsure so would like to know when and when not to use it. 回答1: This question is old, but it doesn't have the answer I was looking for. The example that Lars Kotthoff doesn't actually normalize the data as the data is provided as normalized already. To normalize your stack, add .offset('expand')

Ordering stacks by size in a ggplot2 stacked bar graph

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-17 19:19:38
问题 So i have a load of data which I have sampled as an example below: Sequence Abundance Length CAGTG 3 25 CGCTG 82 23 GGGAC 4 25 CTATC 16 23 CTTGA 14 25 CAAGG 9 24 GTAAT 5 24 ACGAA 32 22 TCGGA 10 22 TAGGC 30 21 TGCCG 25 21 TCCGG 2 21 CGCCT 22 24 TTGGC 4 22 ATTCC 4 23 I'm only showing the first 4 words of each sequence here, but in reality they are "Length" long. I am looking at the abundances of sequences for each size class that I have here. In addition, I want to visualise the proportion of

How to set different colors to the bars in stacked bar chart in ireport?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-17 06:49:12
问题 I need to set a unique color to each bar in the stacked bar chart. Whatever the color I see in one bar it shouldn't be repeated in any other bar or any other stack. For example: I have 5 bars in the report. Each bar has 3 different stacks. I want to apply a red related colors to the first bar and its stacks. Second bar should have blue related colors. etc.. It is showed in the attached image. The image shows a very basic requirement what we want. Just created using a normal ms paint. Stacked

c3.js generate a stacked bar from JSON payload

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-12 04:23:29
问题 I am attempting to generate a stacked bar chart with c3 when using a JSON payload (code below). However, when I group the data, instead of having a stacking behavior, they overlay instead. If I use the column structure, I get the intended behavior, but this means that I'd have different code generate for a stacked bar chart versus my other visuals (ie timeseries chart). var chart = c3.generate({ data: { x: "x-axis", json:[ { "x-axis": "0", "data1": 30 }, { "x-axis": "0", "data2": 40 }], keys:

how to generate stackedBar chart using apache poi 4.0 XDDFChartData, XDDFBarChartData ; in excel sheet using java, i dont want to use jfree

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-11 17:18:44
问题 I need a sample code in Java, currently I am able to draw line and pie charts charts after reading values from sheet, and I also want to generate a StackedBar chart. I added a snipplet of code for pie chart which I have attempted which is for .ppt format. I want the same in excel for stackedBar chart in java. String[] categories = listCategories.toArray(new String[listCategories.size()]); Double[] values = listValues.toArray(new Double[listValues.size()]); final int numOfPoints = categories

How to use Jqplot to show two groups of differently colored bars in the same stacked bar chart

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-08 15:50:26
问题 I want to make a bar chart with two sets of stacked bars which are grouped together to compare the two groups of stacked bars. This should be displayed in the following manner: I have gone through this link But it didn't help me plot something like you see in the above image. I even tried sending two data sets like [[s1, s2, s3], [s4, s5, s6]] But it didn't help me plot the chart. Does anyone know how to do it? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. 回答1: Setting the option