
calculate the time difference between two dates in HH:MM format using ssrs

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-12 03:29:57
问题 I need to generate the time difference between tow dates in SSRS in HH:MM format. How can i achieve this? My data source is MS CRM FetchXML. Eg : Date1 : 01/01/2016 04:05 AM Date2 : 01/03/2016 02:15 PM Time Differece Should be : 58:10 Regards, Sandeep 回答1: I might be a little too late but was needing to calculate the elapsed time between two times. Hence I stumbled up this link

How to run a scheduled task to stop and start SSRS service with elevated permissions?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:57:38
问题 I have this SSRS latency issues on my site. So I have googled it and found out that it is the common issues for so many people. Here it is: I have created a powershell script as follows: Stop-Service "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)" Start-Service "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)" $wc = New-Object $cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials $wc.Credentials = $cred $src = $wc.DownloadString("

How to change order of the table displays (page number) to keep the tables sequential

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-12 02:54:22
问题 I have a report in ssrs 2008, which includes 2 tables and 1 rectangle to keep them in separated pages like: Table 1 rectangle (it is blank - page break before is selected from its properties) Table 2 Both the tables are grouped by NAME, in their Row Group. Therefore, when I run the report the output is like: ------Page 1----------- Table 1 (Name:John) ------Page 2----------- Table 2 (Name: John) ------Page 3----------- Table 1 (Name: Mike) ------Page 4----------- Table 2 (Name: Mike) -----

Add sum of columns to chart SSRS

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:50:56
问题 I have searched all over and cannot seem to find a definitive answer for this issue! I have a simple chat here grouped on the 5 categories below detailing the Sums of their SqFt. I want to add a Total Column to the graph ~(Total = 11M sqft). Can this only be done in SQL? It is a bit puzzling for me to do this because the query already sums the sqft for each row (as a nested query). I would need to Sum(sum(sqft)) in order to produce what I want, however, I dont believe this will work on the

SSRS Hyperlink report with parameters not working properly

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-12 02:37:08
问题 Main report which drills down to Register URL I have main report with 3 parameters and have 3 levels of drill downs. The last drill down is to register level and it shows a hyperlink when clicked on it, it should directly take user to register report. i.e If clicked on 1st URL – 000018045 – Cert in Childcare but it takes me to different one as below Embedded report in hyperlink Everything works fine in my report except hyperlinked report which showing different values other than user selected

Align decimal points in sql server reporting

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-12 02:08:59
问题 Is this possible to align decimal point to centre and also align the whole field in centre as well. If i align the column to right then decimal points are in the middle but is it possible to have all this in the middle as well. 回答1: There's no automatic way of doing what you want. Try setting the right padding to a high value to push the values toward the middle. 回答2: Try "#,###.??". However, you can't eliminate decimal point "." for numbers that don't have fractions. 来源: https:/

Filter rows in SSRS based on parameter and Field

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-12 02:05:08
问题 I am new to using the filters in SSRS. But I would like to filter Accessories (Yes, No). This is a parameter with a yes and no Value which would display/ filter rows based on the field Field!class.Value= "I" or "A" accordingly. So If the drop down is yes it should only display rows with class "I" otherwise All "I" and "A" How would I do this in the Taxlib filters property. It is not working for me, the way I need it to. Help would be immensely appreciated as usual! :) 回答1: Modified as per OP

Find Row Changes and Output to Table

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-12 00:42:55
问题 I have an SQL Server table of the following structure: id TransDate PartType ====================================== 1 2016-06-29 10:23:00 A1 2 2016-06-29 10:30:00 A1 3 2016-06-29 10:32:00 A2 4 2016-06-29 10:33:00 A2 5 2016-06-29 10:35:00 A2 6 2016-06-29 10:39:00 A3 7 2016-06-29 10:41:00 A4 I need a SELECT statement that will output a table that finds the changes in PartType , and that looks like this (for SSRS purposes): PartType StartTime EndTime =============================================

Linking URL to SSRS field, no data on report server

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-11 23:56:19
问题 My report has a link to a resource I loaded to the report server. I've used some very helpful previous posts to get to this code which tests just fine: Code1 javascript:void('http://reportserverlink/test.pdf ','_blank')) I have the text box properties -> actions -> go to URL configured. The text box holds a field from my dataset and I want to bring up the corresponding PDF when clicked. Here is the code: Code2 javascript:void('http://reportserverlink/" & Fields

SSRS Report Manager (2008R2) will not save Windows credential password in data source

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-11 19:57:05
问题 On a test server, we have a data source using "Credentials stored securely in the report server" and "Use as Windows credentials when connecting to the data source". The account is a domain account. If I enter the password and click "Test Connection" I get "Connection created successfully" but the password box empties and when I click "Apply", the password isn't saved. I have all rights on the folder and am set up as a Systems Administrator role in Site Settings. Our other test servers are