How to change order of the table displays (page number) to keep the tables sequential

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-12 02:54:22


I have a report in ssrs 2008, which includes 2 tables and 1 rectangle to keep them in separated pages like:

Table 1
rectangle (it is blank - page break before is selected from its properties)
Table 2

Both the tables are grouped by NAME, in their Row Group. Therefore, when I run the report the output is like:

------Page 1-----------
Table 1 (Name:John)
------Page 2-----------
Table 2 (Name: John)
------Page 3-----------
Table 1 (Name: Mike)
------Page 4-----------
Table 2 (Name: Mike)
------Page 5-----------
Table 1 (Name: Alex)
------Page 6-----------
Table 2 (Name: Alex)

What I want is to change the page order and keep the records sequential based on the table, not the group. Desired output example:

------Page 1-----------
Table 1 (Name: John)
------Page 2-----------
Table 1 (Name: Mike)
------Page 3-----------
Table 1 (Name: Alex)
------Page 4-----------
Table 2 (Name: John)
------Page 5-----------
Table 2 (Name: Mike)
------Page 6-----------
Table 2 (Name: Alex)

How can I provide this? Any help would be appreciated.

